I did make a 3D sculpture but I did paint and put one together as I didn’t have the time to do it. Next project I will improve my time management skills. I also proposed that I was going to do screen printing but was unable to as I don’t know where all the equipment is. I didn’t create a sculpture as a final piece but I did design a book cover and the edges of the book. This has a similar effect to what I was going to do originally as I painted a scene from the book showing the magic in the book as well as the main character on the front show what their greatest desire is in their heart. This helps you to understand the characters and what the books are about bringing it to life. I thought the artists I mentioned in my proposal would have a bigger impact on my project as I liked their style and how it related to my theme but they didn’t fit with where I wanted to take the project so they got left behind. Ceres Lau and Jody Harvey artworks are very time consuming which is why I haven’t incorporated their work more into my project. As I was behind on my work as I was ill for two week which had a big impact on my project because although it is time consuming it has a big impact and I really like that kind of art and I wish I had done some more of their work this project. My ideas haven’t really changed this project. My organisational skills helped me to catch up on my work as I had my action plan on what I was doing each week I also had a list of things I would like to do for this project so I always had something to do. Uploading my work as I went also helped as I didn’t have to dedicate time at the end of my project to do so I wasn’t late to hand it in. I created a mood board at the start of the project to help come up with a more specific theme than fantasy which really helped as it pointed me in the direction of Harry Potter. I also went round some shops and took pictures of Harry Potter merchandise which helped me come up with ideas about what to draw. Watching the film is what helped me come up with what I wanted to draw for my final piece as it inspired me to draw the final battle where Harry wins against the dark Lord. I did my final piece painting on the edges of a book as it helped bring the message and the theme together. I think I will try to do screen printing next project as it is something I really enjoy doing and I like how bright the colours are and how my artwork can be useful rather than just decoration. I also think I’m going to be doing more paper cutting 3D art making sure to manage my time better to be able to do so. I am also going to try mixed media by drawing on photos I have taken to create a unique image