
I proposed that I chose blue because it reminded me of the seaside and because of that I focused on the ocean however later I the project I fell back onto the idea of beaches and what lies under the surface of the water. I completed most of the things I set out to do in my proposal although I did not try screen printing because the technician was unavailable, I was able to do lino cutting in the print room. I did not do as much painting as I would have liked but was able to do a workshop in which I tried a new medium, this encouraged me to try embroidery more in the future. I define a piece as successful if it was fun to do or if the outcome appears the same or similar way I imagined it. A piece that was unsuccessful is one that takes a lot of time and effort to produce but does not appear how I wanted it to. I like the seaside pieces the most as they give off a calmer and more relaxed feel versus the darker and more ominous feel to the just ocean one which is the feeling I get from the colour blue and this was one of the reasons I chose his colour. I did not like the piece where I layered wool over a digital piece I created because though I liked how it looked it eluding to the fact that human have being dumping rubbish in the ocean. I did not want this message in my work I wanted it to be about how beautiful and calming the ocean is. I did not want it to be about how awful it is now and how a lot of them are dying because of all the rubbish and toxins in the water. One thing I really liked was the 3D art piece as it was a unique way to include my silhouettes.

I really liked the look of the repeating patterns I drew I preferred the smoothness of the digital ones versus the paper one and it is easier to make sure all the tiles are identical to each other which is a lot more difficult of paper as I have to draw them all one by one. This was a big reason why I chose to do this as my final piece. I also enjoyed drawing the people on the beach and like the ideas of them being blissfully unaware of the creatures that lie underneath the surface of the water. For my final piece I did a pattern that repeats from left to right but the further down the piece you go the further under the water you go uncovering bigger and bigger animals as you go. I researched William Morris who impacted my work as I really enjoyed making the repeated patterns this impacted my work a lot as whenever I came up with a new idea I tried it out as a repeated pattern to see what it would look like as a wallpaper. Intend to develop my embroidery skills as well as doing some work in screen printing and maybe combining the two to create a unique art piece. I also intend to do more 3D art work.

Cherry, K. 2020. The Color Psychology of Blue. [online] accessed 6/9/22 <https://www.verywellmind.com/the-color-psychology-of-blue-2795815 >

Grannan, C. 2022. Has Pink Always Been a “Girly” Color? [online] <https://www.britannica.com/story/has-pink-always-been-a-girly-color>

https://today.yougov.com/topics/international/articles-reports/2015/05/12/why-blue-worlds-favorite-color 6/9/22

https://eriksen.com/marketing/color_culture/ 6/9/22

https://www.yogapedia.com/2/6844/lineage/hindu-gods/who-is-lord-krishna 6/9/22

https://www.britannica.com/biography/Kara-Walker 29/9/22

https://www.vam.ac.uk/articles/introducing-william-morris 4/10/22

https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/pantone-color-of-the-year-2021/index.html 4/11/22

https://www.escapeintolife.com/artist-watch/maurizio-anzer 2/12/22