Aging photos

I aged these images by first putting a sepia filter over them of photoshop to make them look more like the cottingley fairy photos. Then I placed a black and white filter over the original photo to age it. Even though black and white photo came before sepia photos did I think the sepia photo look older than the black and white ones do. I love how by aging the photos the fairies look more real as the blend in more. It’s harder to tell the fairies are paper on the sepia photos because on the black and white photos they are for the most part completely white where as the rest of the photo is greyscale.

I prefer the full colour version of this photo as the green moss as a abandoned look to the wall that you can’t see as well in the other photos. I feel like it looses the magic in the aged photos. I don’t like how the smallest fairy is at the bottom as you can barely see her next time I will place her higher up or closer to the camera so you can see her better.

My favourite version of this photo is the black and whit photo as I like how the feathers look in that photo. I do like how the white flowers stand out among the green in the original photo. I wish I place the side facing fairy flatter to the ground so you can see her better.

I favour the colour one again because you can see the bluebells in the other it looks like the plants are dying especially in the sepia photo. I like how the sitting fairy looks to be siting in the hole in the tree stump in this one. I like how you can clearly see all of the fairies in this photo.

I like how the look like they are climbing the tree in this photo, though I should have placed them closer together so you can see them better. I prefer the sepia version as the brown works well with the tree and you can’t tell that the fairy are drawings.