Soft Pastels

Sleepy dragon statue, gifted to me by a Marie Curies volunteer

I very briefly used pastels within my last project, and wanted to further experiment with them in this one as I wanted to get a further understanding of how they work.
I decided to use toned paper, as I felt it would allow for the pieces to have a more contrasting sense of tone, without having to darken them too much. I found this to be a good decision, as I also think the brown paper makes the colours appear more defined.

I really enjoyed using soft pastels, as I found their colour to be highly saturated, but not overpowering. I also liked how smoothly they blend together, while still maintaining their original hues.

I quite like how this study of my dragon statue came out, as I feel like the general texture of the pastels allowed for me to capture its expression fairly well.

I will definitely be using them in future work, and I look forward to using them on a larger scale.

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