
Kappa in water, on tracing paper

I decided to take my kappa drawing into the darkroom, as I took some of my sketches into the darkroom during my last project, and I liked the outcome.

This time I ran into quite a few issues, mostly with exposure and contrast- as you can see in some of these images.

I also took some dried flowers in, however I struggled to use them as a lot of the detail in the drawing was lost when I attempted to create a piece with them.

I do think having these technical issues did improve my understanding of how the enlargers work, and I believe if I were to run into these issues again, I would be able to rectify them easily.

Inspired by the Cottingley fairies, I decided to take my fairy girl from the Nara transcription, and place it on an image as though she was being captured on camera. I liked the way this came out, however I didn’t realise until afterwards that I had accidentally managed to not invert her eye colour, leaving the iris white.

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