
For this piece I used a photograph I took at Undercliffe cemetery, along with some dried flowers, as I have used them in the past and like the shapes they create.
I decided to paint on the developer, as I feel it somewhat resembles sun coming through a canopy of leaves, giving pieces an almost dreamlike feel.
This developing technique, along with the negative space created by the flowers is my effect to create within darkroom, as I think it works well to create a complete piece.

For this one, I used the same image from Undercliffe, but this time I overlaid an image of some intertwined branches atop of it to create an almost hidden silhouette to the figure.
Once again, I painted on the developer, as I felt the branches could be too overpowering had I just allowed for it to develop normally.
I quite like this because of the interesting patterns that the combination of images created.

In this I used a drawing I did of a spire from a Victorian chapel.
I feel as though it is too bright, and would’ve looked better if it were darker, as I find the contrast off-putting.

For this one, I created another negative of a drawing I did of one of the windows at Bradford Cathedral.
I layered the drawing over the image of the branches to mimic the intricate designs seen within stained glass.

Whilst I like the effect, I don’t like how blurry the details came out.
I think that if I were to re-do this piece, I would invert the drawing to make more cohesive.

In this piece I combined an image of a block of flats with the same branch image, along with some dried flowers. I did this because I think it is very rare for this style of mass produced building to be around any sort of nature, so I thought the natural imagery would contrast with the manmade building.
I don’t really like this one as it is blurry, and I feel as though the building stands out too much.
I think this would’ve looked better if I had used the ‘painting with developer’ technique, as it would’ve added a less harsh brightness to it.

For this piece, I took cut out Woods ‘Humanity Overcoming War’, and put it underneath the branches.
I chose to use this sculpture as this style of art is what is most classically associated with culture, however it seems to no longer be produced- at least especially not at the same volume as it was throughout history.
I quite like this piece due to the concealed nature of it, and I don’t think there is really anything I would change about this one.

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