Unit 11

Progression Routes

Asset Designer – I will need to create my own assets and a portfolio showcasing a set of these. I will have to get more known through sharing online and eventually start applying towards job positions to become more well known and start making more professi0nal work which can be shown to bigger companies.

Digital Marketing – Do a Level 3 apprenticeship course that has further progression.

Skillset needed for these jobs

Experience and knowledge in the software for each position such as studio 3D max, blender and other software’s that may be used. I also have to be creative and have some experience in creating assets.

The ability to communicate to others in a team when needed and the ability to manage time well. I also need to make sure I reach the deadlines of work especially in asset designing.

To be able to accurately give the client what they need and want. Meet with them personally to give myself more of an idea on what they want from me and what they need.

I will need to be able to adapt to many things as an idea or asset could be scraped or changed slightly. I will also need self-leadership in order to get the team together when deadlines are closing in to get the work done faster.

This is my CV I think that it outlines everything that I’m able to do and when sending a CV to a job. When sending to an employer I may change or update this according to my qualifications or new skills learnt.

Interviews do’s and don’ts

When applying for a job you want to look as appealing and useful as possible to a company. This is to increase the odds of getting the job and an interview is used so that the interviewers can see whether you are what you say you are.

The first step of applying to a company and passing the interview is to figure out yourself some background information on the company such as history and their accomplishments. This will inform the interviewer that you will go out of your own way to apply for this job giving them another reason to hire you as it shows that you desire this job and are dedicated.

Make a good first impression. Make sure you arrive to your interview early so that you can prepare and show that you are punctual. Make sure you know what you have put in your CV and be ready to answer any question so that you are not caught off guard. Another way to get ready is by doing a mock interview with someone who has already experienced an interview so that you can seem more calm and confident when you actually go into the interview.

You should not speak over the interviewer and do not assume it isn’t an interview. Do not think of this interview as talking to a friend make sure you stay polite and well mannered as if you are talking to the boss of the company.

You should not falsify any information. Answer the questions truthfully and make sure that your CV only has the truths as with lies only problems will arise. You will not be able to keep up with your lies and you will easily be found out if lying eventually. Falsifying information such as your previous work experience will be detected later on when you are doing the task you have false information on and this may lead to you being fired.


What I’m planning to do is to apply to an apprenticeship in digital marketing or Leeds Beckett University as these both will allow me to further my education and get into the career I would like to do. Using the skills and rules I have written about I will use them when applying and working in the media industry.