Specialist Studies

The Impact Of Anime on The World


I will be researching the impact which anime has had on the world. I will be researching Studio Bones, MAPPA and Sunrise. I plan on researching one anime from each studio and how it has impacted the world and its media as well as how anime may have been influenced by them.


The primary research I did was to find our whether many people watch anime. What is their favourite anime. What genre they like and if anime has interested them in the Japanese culture.

What I can tell from the statistics a majority of people have watched anime and it has interested them more into the Japanese. I have also noticed some people who don’t usually watch an anime would be interested if it contained something within the series they like an example of this would be star wars visions. The person who chose this doesn’t really watch anime but because he likes star wars gave it a chance and enjoyed it.

I have researched into some new shows and saw one that stood out to me called ‘Rise of The TMNT’. From some of the clips you can tell its animation style was mainly taken from anime with its high effect animation style especially the fight scenes present. They give it their own western style too in order to bring out the best of both. This just goes to show that the rise in anime popularity had given birth to many shows around the world to have similar art style. As you can see below Nickelodeon put a lot of their effort to create this series this is just a little taste of the action they had done which you can compare to another anime fight scene which can be seen under.

There is a clear difference between the two which is the dialogue within anime you can always expect the characters saying something either their inner monologue or them speaking out to give the viewers more of an idea on how they are thinking and what they going to do next.

Ever since anime has become more popular, more anime series have started to be created as studios would be able to gain more money and attention. You can see this with the image below.

This graph shows that more manga series have been created over the years and with the demand in anime recently they have drastically increased in releasing different anime series. This also helped in some anime series which may have been discontinued for a while which were then continued after this rise.

Many people who watch anime watch it in subbed as they feel more emotion from it rather than watching it in dubbed this also makes people who watch anime both more interested in Japanese culture and makes many people want to learn Japanese. Many fans that want to learn Japanese decide to learn it through using anime as they can both watch their favourite series but also learn many phrases starting off slow which helps them slowly learn. As many as 61% of Japanese language learners know Japanese through anime.

Studio Bones – Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

This studio is known for animating Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The reason why this anime is so popular with people is because it has a wonderful storyline, brilliant plot execution and a fitting ending which has led many people satisfied. It has also been regarded as number 1 on a website named ‘My Anime List’ for a long time the only anime which has came close to it is ‘Attack On Titan’. Its Steampunk, Fantasy style has attracted many people into this anime and shows that anime do not have to be centralized just within japan many anime can take places in other countries or within their own created world. The many names as well as character designs give a variety of people within it as many anime recently or in the past have had mainly white skinned people with very few varieties of cultures. It has taught many people that there is no such thing as a painless lesson, in order to gain anything, you must lose something first. We learn from our mistakes, we grow from our experiences, and sometimes that means getting hurt. This being the key lesson within and showed multiple times especially with their alchemy which has the law of equivalent exchange.

Sunrise Studio – Gintama

This studio is known for its anime Gintama as it is a comedy anime which has taken references from around the world so it is mainly popular for its comedy and references. This anime has taken references from many different TV Shows and Films both in Japan and around the world. These references show how popular and how the world has impacted anime. Especially Gintama as it is one of the only ones which take a lot of things from other medias and use it in its own work as references to make the public laugh. This shows the impact the worlds media has had in japan as they use these types of references in order to draw in more viewers from around the world. Within this anime’s references there is also some historical parts within which helps teach young people more about Japanese culture with it staying in the theme of comedy. One of the popular references Gintama had was ‘Star Wars’ as it is a popular series outside of Japan.

Gintama (TV Series 2005–2018) - IMDb

MAPPA – Attack On Titan

This studio is widely known through its multitude of series and quality of animation. It’s mainly known for ‘Attack on Titan’ which they recently started animating as they took over once it hit season 4. This series is widely known even to non anime watchers who just browse through social media as it has become the most popular series as of lately. Its story drove people towards the series with its plot and execution of many different things. Especially with its miner details hidden through each episode which perfectly foreshadows what will be next without giving too much information and being subtle. It’s plot twists have increased its popularity as most of them were completely unexpected. It’s popularity has made it known as the second best anime on ‘My Anime List’ tied with first with the anime ‘Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherHood’ which had its title as first quite a long time as ‘Fullmetal’ was released in 2009 ending its airing in 2010. It had become so popular that it had a collaboration with both ‘Call of Duty’ and ‘Marvel Comics’. Within ‘Call of Duty’ it has a skin, it is currently gaining another one which would be the armoured titan within call of duty with a gun paint job as well. For Marvel they have done different marvel characters going up against the titans. This one shot comic is named ‘Attack On Avengers’ and we got to see how the Avengers faired against titans whose weakness they did not know of.


One of the biggest controversies that had happened in an anime studio was P.A. Studio who had been accused of charging their employees desk fee charges. Now being an animator in Japan pays less than expected so often you must sacrifice sleep just to finish animating it is especially brutal if you want to make a name for yourself within the anime community. Fans were rightfully outraged. The one who had accused the studio of this apologised after and claimed that non of this was true.


In conclusion my thoughts are that anime have had a positive impact on the world and with its popular rise in recent years it shows that it is favourable and has spread the culture around the world. As much as anime has influenced the world, the world has influenced and inspired many anime too. There are a few stuff which can be worked upon within the studios of anime but overall, it can bring whole new views to other people and experiences they may have never had without. Anime has also encouraged many others to learn Japanese in order to travel to Japan and experience the culture, people also have taken inspiration from the animation style in Japan and created their own variations both popular and unpopular creators have done this in order to tell their stories in more enjoyable ways.


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