Short Film & Evaluation

I think that the film is below average as there is quite a lot that can be improved. I feel like the film has a good narrative and plot. I also think that the dialogue and shots are well executed of course they can be improved but for now i think we are at a decent level. The editing is minimalistic but i think that is what makes it good as most short films don’t really have much editing plus this is a simple story that wont need much to evoke feelings to the viewer. I think that the editing and scenes were planned out well. I think that the ending of the story is done well as it shows some character development but i believe that a bit more emotions and maybe a separate scene or two could of been used to improve and show more of how the characters development has changed from someone struggling with social anxiety to attempting to fix it and improve to build new relationships.

However, what I think was bad about this was that our audio was very echo and that we didn’t have any background music to fill in the awkwardness of some of the scenes as it felt plain and dry sometimes. I think that we could of worked on the dialogue and the characters development more which would possibly increase our short film to about 9 minutes which would make it more clear and give the story better pacing as it can feel very fast.

I think we could improve on our use of shots to make more shot have a feeling. I also think that if we took more time out to find music for the background this would of became much better. If we had more time we could of possibly secured mics to make the sounds of each room more clear and less echo which would overall improve the movie. I also think that we could improve some of the writing to give more character and personality to some of the characters as they seem plain even though they are the main character. At the start of the film with the voice over the voice is monotone which is perfect for the first half but i feel like around the end of the short film that the characters voice should become more livelier

In conclusion, I think that we did decent at our short film of course with more time these little things could be improved to push our film to the next level such as background music and more intricate chosen shots. Overall I think that this film has definitely brought to our attention that precise time management skills are needed to pull off an amazing film with all our efforts. As well as a well thought and planned out idea with the necessary equipment needed to make this film good.