
Golems: Jewish Folklore

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A golem is a creature formed out of a lifeless substance usually consisting of clay, rocks or earth that is brought to life by ritual incantations and sequences of Hebrew letters. The golem, brought into being by a human creator, becomes a helper, a companion, or a rescuer of an imperilled Jewish community. There are many different tales about golems and how they were brought to life and controlled but the main similarity is that they were used in a symbolic way. It could of been a victim or villain depending on how it was depicted in the tale you know about. Golems had originated very early on within the Jewish community. The oldest being about Adam from the bible initially being created as a golem. It is believed that golems are created from mud by those close to divinity. As tales of golems had reached out to the world people would bring these golems into their own stories sparking their own imagination. Most notably seen in games or anime that are set in a fantasy world. These golems would be given orders by the ones who created them and follow them with no will as they were lifeless creatures created to do their masters bidding it could be either good or bad.

Oni: Japanese Myth

Oni are evil spirits from Japanese Mythology and folklore. These evil spirits are typically large in size with unbelievable power as well as being terrifying in appearance. They are most commonly associated with disease, misfortune and calamity. If present in any Japanese media they are most commonly represented as devilish, intelligent and strong creatures. Oni though similar to demons are not seen as entirely evil as they are seen and presented as more wrathful and uncontrolled spirits. It is believed that when a wrathful or wicked person dies they will be reborn as an Oni but some tales also portray that if a person it too wicked they can become an Oni before death. The Oni are usually seen as creatures who torture the people who had been wicked in their past life by doing cruel punishments in their own type of hell named Buddhist hell. They are often depicted as peeling peoples skins off, crushing bones and frying people in a giant frying pan.

Cyclops: Greek

Rampaging Cyclops by Tomasz Jedruszek

Cyclopes are gigantic one-eyed creatures. In one of the stories three cyclopes were named and had made Zeus weapon the thunderbolt. They were also famously known as great builders as their size were gigantic and could easily build anything as fast as possible with not much effort. Many have also seen or heard some tales about cyclopes being cannibals or as they are most populary known for being aggreseive against humans as they are usually seen as a common evil.

Poster 1 will consist of these 3 mythological creatures I will be creating the poster to exude the terror that these creatures are providing.

Hydra: Greek

The Hydra is an immortal, gigantic snake usually depicted in having around 5 to 6 heads although when it is pregnant it is known for having 9 heads. The Hydra used to haunt the swamps around Lake Lerna in ancient Greece. Although the monster claimed hundreds of victims, it is most famous for its battle with the hero Heracles.

Dragon: European

Flame Dragon by boolahaha on DeviantArt

A dragon is a reptile like creatures with many myths as well as folklore about it around the world. It is usually seen as a legendary strong, chaotic and evil creature. The dragon has many iterations around the world and are known as being different as in one it could be a symbol of chaotic and evil whereas another could be a symbol of heaven and earth.

Poster 2 will consist of these 2 mythological creatures above as they are both prideful and powerful creatures I want to bring out their pride with my drawing giving them a prideful look as they challenge one another.

Phoenix: Ancient Egyptian.

The Phoenix is known as an immortal and majestic bird. As when it dies it doesn’t truly die and lives on forever as it is known to be reborn and is stuck in a cycle of repeating deaths. The phoenix would typically live for 1000 years and then end its life with a beautiful melody singing throughout the skies but three days later after its life was supposedly ended it came back to start another cycle of 1000 years.

Pegasus: Greek

Pegasus :: World Mythology

Poster 3 will consist of these 2 mythological creatures above since they both are powerful majestic creatures I will try and bring that out with the poster.

Wendigo: Native-American legend


Banshee: Irish Folklore

Azure Dragon: Chinese Mythology

Sea Serpent: Norse Mythology + Many others