

The skills I learnt will help with my project as I have learnt how to use photoshop in order to edit and add effects or finishing touches to my poster a few examples could be glowing lights or a neon look. I could also use photoshop in order to add or fix up some materials in either the clothing or background of the posters. I am also good at art which will help me in drawing in many different art styles and I have come accustomed to using Ibis Paint X so drawing in art styles I know will be easy for me and I will be able to efficiently use my time in order to create multiple posters which will have different cultures showcased in the posters. Upon joining this course my photoshop skills have advanced as I have used some of my free time as well as lesson in order to develop them learning how to create 3D versions of images as well as learning the importance of typography as well as blending the background in order to create a more soothing or exciting look.

Project Concept

For my project I am going to make multiple posters that has different cultures showcased inside it. This is how I am going to keep with the topic pocket planet. I will be using art styles from different cultures, for example it could be western style or in an animated style from Japan or other places. The backgrounds will also have different cultures as to keep with the topic pocket planet this will also help me save some time as I will want to try and make multiple posters. I will research about the different cultures adding mythical creatures or clothing to the posters. Many things which relate to each culture will be added either in background or standing out as a character.


For my evaluation, I plan on documenting my work on a word document which I can then use in order to look back at my work to see what went wrong, how I improved it and fixed any problems, what I think I did correctly. I will also reflect back at what I could have improved on and how I could improve it.