
Candidate Name: Mohammed Haleem Shazad

Candidate Number: 10612889

Pathway: Animation

Project Title: The Vampires Last Stand

Rationale: I have learnt many things which will help me with my animation such as using photoshop to create many different effects which could be used. The way I will use this skill is I will have to create impact and power behind every punch so I will use photoshop in order to create these effects. Another skills which will help me with this is Foley. Foley is helpful because I will need to be able to give the audience a satisfaction feeling for every punch hitting and make it so it gives emotion and realism to this animation. It also makes the animation seem like it has jumped in quality. I will research this by looking at videos which help you learn how to animate fight sequences and the theme of incognito to make this fight scene fit more within the theme. I will also research some anime effects so that I can have references and ideas for the type of effects I will be adding to my animation. I will do some extra research in Foley so then I can be more confident and precise with my final project. This will help in allowing me to create a better animation than I normally would of.

Project Concept: My project concept is that I will create an 2d fight animation between a vampire and a vampire hunter. I will make my own anime like effects to make the fight more appealing. I will also use Foley in order to give a unique, realistic sounding fight. This animation will fit with the theme of incognito as the vampire hunter is not what he seems in reality he is a Vampire hybrid. At the end of the animation I’m planning to make it so that the vampire escapes and it zooms into the vampire hunters face then ends. I am planning to make my fight animation at least 1 minute long, if I have spare time left I will add some more scenes that fit with it in. I will focus more on the effects I make.

Evaluation: I will have my evaluation on my website. I will be working on my evaluation as I go along with my project at the end of each thing I do. For Example once I finish a character design or parts of the animation I will update my progress. If any changes are made I will record them in the evaluation and write why I changed it. In the evaluation I will explain and show the steps I took to create my 2d fight animation. After this is done I will write down what I think I did well and what I did bad. At the end of the evaluation I will write down what I think I should of done to be better prepared and what I could of done to improve my work even further.