Production & Editing

During the editing process, me and naseem went through renaming all the clips we filmed in the folders so that we knew what scenes were usable and what scenes were just bloopers which took us about 30 mins cause a lot of footage was recorded. We also re-recorded a few to give us more of an option when choosing which scene variation to use. Once all the clips were named and we knew what we could and could not use we placed different clips in different bins in premiere pro for what scenes in the film so that we could work faster in creating and putting together the scene. We worked together on different computers so that we could make our own variations of edits depending on what we felt was right for that situation and decided which to use as a team. An editing effect we settled on at the start is the VHS effect which gives that old and grainy effect like your watching on VHS and we thought that it would be perfect on my scene where we have a scene of Marouf placing down his photos of his family and we thought it would be perfect to use that effect as Marouf is retelling his past so with that in mind we used youtube and our own knowledge to learn how to accurately put this effect into action. In order to create the effect, we duplicated the photographed scene 3 times and put on the RBG effect on all clips and changed the colour and position of the 3 clips and then put on wave warp to give the VHS effect of the line streak across the screen going down. Also, the noise effect was put on the effect to put on some grain to make it look more digital. Then I put in the text of the date and time relative to when all the pictures were taken during that time. Also during the editing process, naseem tried making the camera audio better in premiere pro however not much was working and it would tamper the voice of the characters so we could not do too much about it, other than try and lower the background noise. As for exporting the video, I used the h264 format to export my video in 1080p for the film. Our project had a couple of different versions however we settled on this version and thought this version was the best to use as you could tell in some of the other recordings done that the characters were becoming more depressing maybe because when we were re recording we had trouble with some of the actors laughing and it became re takes for quite awhile. My film was exported like this because you can see the film is its quality in 1080p and on any device because its is a mp4 file format and that it can be uploaded youtube and retain its quality.

We also looked through some royalty free music websites to try and add some background music to the scenes but sadly through searching a few websites for the right tone of background song we could not find what we were looking for so we had to settle with no music for the film except for the ending which we were lucky to find.