
Strengths and weaknesses of me/personality through the website 16personalities.

The website 16 personalities says my personality is Logician INTP-A / INTP-T.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.‘ ‘Armed with a powerful intellect and vivid imagination, Logicians can overcome or outmaneuver obstacles that seem unbeatable to most.’

Strengths: I can work independently efficiently without help which will be useful in my animating as it allows me to work better on my own. I am also open minded which will help so that I can see what I’m doing in other people’s perspectives and how I can improve myself. I am honest and straightforward so I dont sugarcoat my words or lie instead I say the truth about what i think which will help as I can help others and myself by not lying and saying something looks great when in reality it does not. Another strength I have is that I am imaginative and original which is helpful as I need to make my animation original with the theme of incognito and I’ll be able to see how it plays out in my head. When something piques my interest I become enthusiastic and want to learn more and talk more about the thing that has made me excited.

Improvements: I am too private and withdrawn so when working in a group I tend to not give my ideas and slowly ease into it. I can also be condescending at times without even realising it myself which makes me more of an outcast to a group that I’m in. I second guess myself often which leads to me getting things wrong or downgrading my work at times. I dislike rules and guidelines which is why I usually end up finishing my work at the last second as I distract myself in other ways. I also am absent minded at times forgetting or missing something that is so obvious. I can also be insensitive as I rely more on logic than emotion and do not realise that I have done something wrong.