

The game mechanics, environment and character designs made the game both hard and amazing to play. The mechanics were made to be simple but to counter that simplicity they made some interesting and hard levels an example of this is when you are walking through a level with enemies in and suddenly the place is filled with poison giving you a poison effect. They made many enemies some more overpowered then others one of them is called brain trust which when it stares at you it builds up a frenzy meter, when that meter is filled it almost instantly kills you. Personally, I think this is a cool feature but I can see how it is a bad mechanic as they could be many surrounding you and if 2 frenzy meters fill up you will die. Luckily, they have a potion which gets rid or at least gives you some resistance to this effect. I love the sound and music chosen for this game as it fits its dark, gloomy and despair look. The environment is amazing as it both implements dark fantasy and the old London revolution type look which I love.

The weapon design in this game is also something I love and they have a variety of weapons from swords to guns, scythes, magic and other types of weapons. I also love that the different weapons can be upgraded but also have a unique stone implanted into them that changes how each weapon can be played. An example could be implanting a fire stone to a great sword which will keep the great sword as it is but may increase attack and hp but now you will be able to set enemies on fire some enemies and bosses are weak against this so it could be used to gain advantage but then there are also others that are more resistant so it kind of plays like a double edged sword as some may be fire resistant so fire would not affect them and do overtime tick damage. I love the character design in this game as they give you a considerable amount of customisation as well as different armours you can find in game to change both the looks of your character and increase their stats you are also given different armour and weapons at the start of the game depending on what class you choose, you also start with different stats.

I love the stats that are added in this game as the game added their own unique stats as well as some stats that are normally added. The stats in the game are arcane, which focuses more on hunter tools and magic type attacks. Beast hood which is to do with the beast transformation which any type of character can access as every character starts with at least 1 point or more in every stat. The more points into this stat the more powerful this transformation comes but it also comes with a cost of your defence at max level this would give you +70% damage and -80% defence. Endurance increases your stamina and poison resistance. Insight which is gained naturally through the game the more insight you have the harder battles get and the different interactions you can gain with characters. This insight can also be spent or lost in other ways. Item discovery which is like luck as it helps you get more rare items. Skill which increases damage of certain weapons which are more on the lighter and faster type this is also needed to wield some weapons. Strength which increases the damage on almost every weapon in the game you also need some of this to wield different weapons. Vitality which increases your health. Finally, Blood tinge is used to increase the damage of firearms and special blood tinge weapons. All these stats can be increased as well as granting a passive through different items which you can find and equip.

Another thing that I love is that the game has 3 different ending which require their own different

The bad things are as I said the frenzy meter but I also think that the UI is both kind of good and bad at the same time as when you are inflicted by some type of status effect you cannot tell what status effect you are inflicted by instead you have to guess but some of the effects are more self-explanatory so it could be improved slightly. Another bad thing about this game is that it is not very welcome to new comers I don’t necessarily think it is bad but others who are not much into exploring or being lost wouldn’t as the game doesn’t give a clear objective or tell you where to go next, instead you have to find out yourself and progress with the only knowledge the game gives you at the start and later on. There are also secret bosses which could only be find through YouTube or if you have done enough exploring yourself but even then, you cannot tell if you went up against a secret boss or not until you have reached a dead end. Some people would have to resort to YouTube too as they would not know where to go otherwise. One thing that I both hate and love is that you are given 3 endings but no matter what ending you choose there is of course a little conclusion to your characters journey but it still leaves you to think what would happen next cause they leave on a cliff hanger with none of them suggesting if there would be a sequel.

The roles that would be needed to make this game would be Level Designer to create the many unique levels. Composer to make the sound track and music for the game that fits its theme. Concept Artist to create the concepts for different looks, environments, monsters, clothing and characters. Game Designers to create gameplay, rules and structure of the game. Programmers to program physics, AI, graphics, sound, gameplay, scripting, UI. Sound Engineer that edits voices and merging audios as well as designing how sounds are depending on many different variables. Game Testers that test the many different components in the game and giving their feedback as well as letting the teams know of any bugs. Effect designers to design the different types of effects put into the game.

I think that the game is perfect the way it is but others may not, so to improve their experience it would be better to show at least a general direction in which the player has to go or give a map since there is not really much of a map. Adding more unique fighting styles to different weapons would also be an improvement as well as making the game more challenging as I believe it was not that challenging. At the start it was slightly challenging as shields were useless but as you learn more of the mechanics it gets easier to both predict and use these tools to help you win. The games only type of defence was the clothing you would wear which is what I think is cool about it and makes the game more fun and interesting especially if you go with a beast hood build. So, I think more clothing and armour would be helpful.

An ethical issue in bloodborne is that you can loot bodies this could be an issue as people may think that it is fine to loot dead bodies as well as grave robbing. The beast blood pellet can also be interpreted as steroids as it increases your damage and is shown that it feels amazing to have which could promote these types of drugs.

Genre: RPG

Target Audience: 15 to 24.

General Game Idea: The game is based in a fantasy medieval period where a variety of magic and species exist. This world is under a war with the demon king who is the most powerful existence within this world. The story is set a year after the demon lord’s arrival, so he has not conquered most of the world and it is up to a group of adventurers to stop it.

Key game mechanic:

Combat – The combat will be turn based and dependent on your abilities as well as your stats.

Story Drive – The story and interactions with characters change depending on what species you pick and the choices you make. There will be multiple choice endings.

Missions – Mission are different from collecting items, beating enemies, clearing dungeons and interacting with characters.

Open World – The player is free to roam around but some areas will be restricted as the player needs to complete more of the story to unlock more areas. Interactions with npcs will also change depending on your reputation and how far in the story you are.

Story of the game: The world Azoth which has been in peace for many years suddenly gets hit by tragedy, a Demon Lord has arrived and with it the world has turned upside down. The Demon Lord and his army have set out to conquer the world. Within the Demon Lord’s first year he was cocky and thought he could single handily take on the Celestials, Imanity and Woodlands instead he was left injured and retreated. He has been recovering this entire time and yet not one person has reached his lair. The Main Characters now set forth to end the Demon Lord’s plans either for Fame, Money or Revenge.

Races: These are different types of races you may choose and that will appear within the game as well as a little description to give a little insight to them.

Human: Human’s the most common race. Usually found in the central city of Athena. A simple race able to use anything however is not proficient in any. The All-Rounder of the Races. Most humans love the thrill of battle and go to war with almost any race. Afraid of Lightbornes.

Elf: Hate every race but Tanuki’s and Dryads. Elves are timid and found secluded in vast ancient forests. They have high mastery over the bow and can cast unique type of magic which allows control over spirits. They do not interact well with other races, especially if they are found trespassing.

Dwarf: Hates Undead, Hellspawn. Allies with Dryads. Dwarves are known as skilled warriors, miners, and workers of stone and metal. They have a unique skillset which allows them to craft their own weapons suiting their needs as well as being able to upgrade weapons, armour and accessories.

Dryad: Hate Humans, Undead, Hellspawn, Unchained, Shadowborne. Allies Tanuki, Elves, Dwarfs, Lightborne. Spirits found in dense forests. They have the ability to control plants and wildlife by controlling the growth and mutations of plants. They are able to control the actions of wildlife. They also have an affinity for spirit magic like elves.

Tanuki: Hate Humans. Allies Elves and Dryads. Tanuki are raccoons that live in clans in the forest and elect a leader called the “Great Tanuki” to oversee the clan’s land and organize its members. Tanuki enjoys drinking, playing pranks on humans and, in general, having a good time. They use illusions against their enemies to gain the upper hand in battles. They are master illusionists and can use these illusions to appear in a human form in order to blend in cities run by humans. If Tanuki’s choose to become an illusionist all their illusions gain double the effect and at some point, they will gain the ability to create their own world to fight against others.

Harpy: Doesn’t hate any race allies with Lightborne. They are powerful, nimble flyers, with sharp talons used for snatching and grabbing. They mainly use wind magic in order to empower their gust of winds to both increase the speed of themselves as well as launch them as attacks against any enemies. They have an affinity with wind magic.

Dragonborne: They are a neutral race. A rare species often found in discrete mountain caves. Covered in scales that allows for high physical resistance. Depending on the origins of them they can have a high affinity for ice or fire and in rare cases shadow. Depending on the percentage of dragon DNA within them affects their ability to fly. If low percentage, they are unable to fly but can jump extremely high. High percentage able to fly but no high jump. They are highly suited to being a tank or bruiser due to their high defense.

Lightborne: Hates Undead, Hellspawn, Shadowborne, Unchained. Allies Humans, Harpy, Dryads. Celestial beings with high affinity to light magic able to use a variety of weaponry they are enemies to demons and undead their attacks and effects are 2 times as effective against undead type and demon type beings. Lightborne can take flight if their willpower stat is high enough.

Shadowborne: Hate Lightborne, Humans, Elves, Dryads, Dwarfs. Beings born in the darkness able to manipulate shadows at will. They are able to forge weapons of pure darkness which are highly effective against Lightborne’s. They are very strategic that they can place shadows to trick enemies and make servants of darkness to fight for them. They have full control over shadows.

Undead Soilder’s: Hate Lightborne, Humans, Dryads, Dwarfs and Elves. Allies Hellspawn, Unchained. They are Low ranking undead. High affinity with sword type of attacks and able to wield any close combat weapon. Undead soldiers can remove their armour and gain an extremely high movement and attack speed. They can bury them self to start healing any injuries they have received. This can take up to 5 hours depending on how much is being regened.

Lich: Hate Lightborne, Humans, Dryads, Dwarfs and Elves. Allies Hellspawn, Unchained. A high ranking undead with vast amounts of magic prowess and magical knowledge. They can create new types of magic and have high affinity for necromancy. Usually found in high level dungeons or within the demon lords army.

Succubus: Feed off the essence of men. Main weapon is their looks. They use their charm to influence the mind of their enemies and those that they are interested in. They can change their looks to suit the desires of those around them or their target.

Hellspawn: Hate Lightborne, Humans and Elves. Allies Undead, Unchained. They are demons that are proficient in Chaos magic and manipulation. Chaos magic allows hellspawn to directly influence the minds of others, allowing them to manipulate the enemies or cause them to go insane.

Unchained: Hates Shinigami and Lightborne. They are demons who have escaped from the depths. They are covered in black heavy chains forged from hellstone which cover their body and are their main weapon, however they also specialise in unarmed combat.

Shinigami: Hate Undead and Unchained. They are similar to undead but are spirits that have been passed on to the soul society. Their job is to help lost spirits pass on and send evil spirits to the depths. Their main weapon of choice is a sword/katana which allows for swift takedowns on weaker foes. They can awaken new abilities through intense training which also allows them to learn the true name of their sword.

Classes: These are different types of classes you may choose. The classes which have brackets on them are exclusive to the race I mention.

Fire Mage: Manifest and manipulate fire.

Ice Mage: Manifest and manipulate ice.

Earth Mage: Manifest and manipulate rocks.

Wind Mage: Manifest and manipulate wind.

Light Mage: Manifest and manipulate light. Not one of the main magic elements.

Mana Manipulation (Lich): Due to your vast understanding of mana you can control a variety of different elements and combine them to form new spells.

Spirit User (Elves & Dryads): Call upon spirits to fight and defend for them, they can use a variety of spirits to aid them in battle.

Spirit Sword (Shinigami): At first it starts off as a normal sword or katana depending on what you get. After obtaining a certain amount of training and becoming one with your sword, you will learn the name of your sword. This will allow you to transform it and gain special abilities. If your weapon is destroyed whilst using it, you must wait a set amount of time for it to regenerate.

Elementalist: Able to use the 4 main magic Elements but you’re not a master at them.

Berserker: High dmg and skills that allow them to dish out more damage the more hurt they are.

Brawler: Close quarters hand to hand fighting style.

Archer: A class focused on long distance combat.

Assassin: High attack speed focus on stealth and quick take downs.

Swordsman: A class for close distance sword combat.

Paladin: A holy Knight that specialises in slaying undead they have slow but hard-hitting attacks with high focus on defence.

Preist: Allows you to use support spell like heal or buff others also deals more damage to undead.

Tamer: A class that allows you to control beasts that you have beaten as long as you have not fatally injured that beast.

Illusionist: They make and control illusions to change the tides of battle through intimidation and effects. If a tanuki is an illusionist they are able to use a wider variety of illusion magic however those magics come at a cost of high mana drainage.

Alchemist: Able to create potions and drugs to boost or heal allies, or poison and weaken enemies.

Unbound (Unchained): Use the chains around your body as a whip, rope and as a hard-hitting weapon.

Fire (Dragonborne): Release dragon fire which attacks the soul and melts armour. Similar to fire magic but only accessible to dragonborne which allows them to be resistant to fire and gain more control over fierce fire attacks with high mana cost.

Ice (Dragonborne): Releases dragon ice which attacks the body, freezes enemies in place and limits movements of enemies through slows. Similar to ice magic with more large-scale ice attacks and higher effect time with high mana cost.

Shadow (Dragonborne): Release dragon shadow which attacks the mind. Grants control over shadow similar to a shadowborne and allows them to create shadows almost everywhere.

The Dragonborne’s will not be able to choose their class instead it will be luck based on which type of Dragonborne class they will gain. Fire and ice will both be a 45% chance whereas Shadow will be a 10%.

Class Upgrades: Once the player has reached Level 40 they are able to perform a class upgrade after completing the Magellan dungeon. This will further increase their power and allow the player to increase their level cap to 99. Some classes will not have a class upgrade and instead will unlock a new powerful magic for their class. This magic will be randomized high tier magic depending on the class of each individual.

Factions: These will be factions you may choose to be a part of this will also determine your starting point and how others in the world perceive you.

Neutral: Mind their own business. Usually contain Succubus but can contain others.

Reapers: Those that come from soul society and help pass on spirits to keep the balance of the world. Only accessible for Shinigami.

Celestials: Beings of Light and Order fighting against the Depth Worshippers. Usually contains Lightborne and Harpys.

Imanity: Humans who seek to conquer and find the thrill of battle. Only accessible to humans and tanuki who are disguised as humans.

Woodlands: Creatures that stay in dense forests secluded from the rest of the world.

Depth Worshippers: The demon kings loyal subjects that seek to conquer and rule the world under the commandment of the demon king, Maou.


Castle Athena: Castle Athena is the home of the Imanity. It is a sprawling castle in the mountains that has been in the same family for generations. The castle is filled with ancestral ghosts who protect the riches and secrets of the past. It is a stronghold against Maou and foreign threats, but the Imanity has been known to expand their borders.

The Ancient Tree Library: The Ancient Tree Library is a library built within an ancient tree. It is filled with books about plants and animals. It is a place of learning and discovery. The location has a strange energy that gives those who study here a sense of calm and inspiration.

Irides: It is a floating city in the shape of a large crystal. It is a place of great magic and wonderful things. All the inhabitants of the city are magical themselves and have great abilities. The city itself is a giant magical beast that floats above the clouds. The beast has a spell that keeps it aloft and safe from harm. The spell is maintained by the city’s inhabitants who have great magical powers.

Plains: The Plains of Azoth is a vast grassland that stretches as far as the eye can see. It is home to many nomadic tribes, who travel the land in search of new lands to settle. It is a place of discovery and adventure for all who call the plains home. The center of the Plains is a place known as the Eye of Azoth. It is a place of great magic and power. The surrounding plains are filled with many creatures of magic.

Soul Society: The Soul Society is the center of soul activity in the world of Azoth. All souls that become detached from their bodies and wind up in the Soul Society are automatically sent to the Central Kingdom. There they are judged by the Shinigami, and if their souls are deemed worthy, they are allowed to stay in the Soul Society and become a Shinigami. In the Soul Society, the Shinigami live in their own city, surrounded by other souls. Shinigami own their own houses in the Soul Society and leave them to their own devices.

Zenith Town: The path way to the Soul Society guarded by Shinigami in order to defend the soul society from evil spirits and those that bring harm.

Nox: The city of Nox is a dark and foreboding place. It is filled with crime and punishment, and any who live within the city have little hope. The city is ruled by a massive dragon known as the Warden, who is tasked with keeping the city in check. Any who live within Nox have little rights, and are often seen as not even human. The general populace of Nox are ruled by the elite, and are often seen as the criminals of the city.

The Birdcage: The Birdcage is a pathway that has been built by the Order of the Depth. It is a breathtaking pathway that reaches from the depths of the Under Realm up to the surface of the Realm. It is a very dangerous pathway filled with many monsters and other hostile entities. The pathway is built underground and consists of large stone towers with spirits carved in them. At intervals, small caves are carved in the pathway.

Meth: A dungeon filled with many medicinal herbs and alchemic ingredients. Inhabited by ancient beings, monsters and giant guardians made of rock. Plant dungeon.

Zeth: Ancient armoury of Zurg, a fallen city filled with ancient technology. Inhabited by ancient beings, monsters and giant guardians made of rock. Metallic Dungeon.

Magellan: Ancient Library of Magnolia, contains information on all types of magic and strange secret magics known only to old inhabitants of magnolia. Inhabited by ancient beings, monsters and giant guardians made of rock. All types of elements.

Maou’s Castle: Maou’s Castle is the stronghold of the Depth Worshippers. It is a dark and forbidding fortress, built into the side of a mountainside in the depths. Its walls are thick, and formed from a dark stone, and it is surrounded by a round wall of similar stone. The fortress is ruled by the Demon King Maou, who has made it his mission to destroy all of the world’s gods and conquer the world.