
I think that the posters I produced overall is about average as there is quite a lot I could of improved with. I feel like I did a good poster for one but the rest I am not so sure they could be called good instead they are rushed works one of them being unfinished. I think that I did well with coming up with the ideas for the posters, I also think that I had a good start but ruined it by changing ideas in the middle of the project. The backgrounds I did were minimalistic as well as the pegasus and phoenix as I thought I could save time doing so but it also made me waste more time as I had struggled trying to improve them but then decided to move on so that I won’t be behind. I feel like I have a good diverse of mythological creatures that once you look at the posters it gives you some type of feeling inside. Whether it be a clear feeling of it being rushed or a feeling of some of these are cool.

However, What I think was bad about this was that because I decided to change ideas multiple times without sticking to one I had to lower the quality of work. I also have not done backgrounds before as I had found them troublesome so if I decided to research more about backgrounds I could of improved my work immensely as the background is as important as the characters as it brings them to life. If I had more time and did not change my mind several times I think these posters would of turned out amazing but because of my indecisiveness I had changed stuff around multiple times. I also think that the reason these turned out so bad was because of the stress I had accumulated over the months of being in college which led to me not attending classes as often as normal.

I think what I could of improved on is choosing the correct mythological creatures I want and stick with them without changing. If I decide I want another mythological creature I should instead save it for when I have finished my main task and if I have finished my main task before the deadline I could then add those creatures in another poster which I then can use. I also could of improved on researching more about backgrounds and the art style I wanted to use. If I had better time management and was not stressing over a lot of different things I think that even though I changed a lot I could of done way better than what was produced. I also think that with the wendigo poster I could of improved by reducing the amount of grey fog I put in as it looks like I overused it whilst panicking.

In conclusion, I think that I did alright at the posters. If I had more time I could of fixed the things wrong with my poster and pushed them high so that they would not appear as bad as they did. This project has brought to my attention that time management skills are needed as well as communication. The reason I say that communication is key is that because I kept all this stress in me and tried dealing it with myself I could not work properly instead I should of seek help or at least told someone about it so that my work does not suffer from stress. As well as sticking to the plan I have and doing the necessary research to pull the project off.