Showcase Preparation

Running Order

Putting together the final showcase requires a lot of preparation and organisation. All of the other students have very different projects and trying to fit all of those into one showcase can be quite difficult to do. Therefore, I made sure to be well prepared, keeping on top of what everyone’s projects are and how they plan on showcasing them.

This was the first document made with everyone’s project ideas and how they planned on presenting them. Very few students were planning on performing or doing a physical presentation of the project at the final showcase, as many of them wanted to present their projects in the form of a YouTube video, or music release.

It was important to keep checking in on the other students throughout their projects, as some changed their minds on how they wanted to showcase their work. Therefore, I updated the documents frequently and created new ones when bigger changes were made.

After a couple of weeks I sat down with Nic and made a new document, outlining who was performing/presenting at the showcase, what songs (where applicable) and roughly how long their set would be. I then created a running order which could start to be added on to the programme.


I helped prepare a photoshoot that students could use as an opportunity to get photos to add to their portfolio, or to use for their own promotion and artwork.

Here are some of the photos from the shoot:

Showcase pre-production

In order to create an accurate stage and lighting design, I needed to see what each act/performer needed equipment wise.

After the great feedback received from her photos at the last showcase, I contacted Abi to see if she was available to be the photographer for the night of the final showcase. Thankfully, she was more than happy to do so.