Showcase Preparation

‘Someone Like You’ rehearsal – 12/5/22

As a last minute decision, I chose to perform Adele’s ‘Someone Like You’ at the final showcase. I already knew most of the chords for the verse and chorus of the track, so there wasn’t much I needed to learn for the rest of the song. In the rehearsal video above I played normal chords for the bridge rather than arpeggio, as I struggled learning the chords for the bridge.

I think this performance went quite well. There were a few times whereI did slip up a little bit. For example, I planned to do a bit of a build up towards the end of the bridge before the final chorus, but completely forgot until the last second. Therefore, the build up I did manage to do didn’t sound too great. This is something I can improve for the mock performance on Monday. I can either do this by incorporating a better buildup into the bridge, or I can ask Nic to help me learn the original chords for the bridge.

Even though it was only a small cafe performance, I was still a bit nervous. I did feel as though I was a little underprepared and could’ve practiced more with Millie prior to the performance. This is something I will definitely take on board for the mock and also the final showcase.

‘Someone Like You’ rehearsal – 16/5/22

This is a rehearsal we did before the official mock performance. While this one went significantly better than it did last week, it was still far from perfect. Again, I was nervous before the performance. This is something I do need to work on more. I could research into some techniques to calm my nerves before performing.

‘cherry blossoms’ – 21:22

Within my presentation for my song, I wasn’t fully prepared with what to say. Therefore, I ended up stuttering a little. For the final showcase, I need to script what I would like to say so that this doesn’t happen again. I could also explain what the song is about, or the process of making it.

‘Someone Like You’ – 1:05:50

There were a few points within the song where I slipped on the chords. While it may not have been very noticeable for the audience, it put me off a little bit. I think me and Millie need to rehearse more before the final performance to ensure this doesn’t happen again.