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LiveWire 2021

What went well with this event?

I think the event ran quite smoothly; everyone knew when they were meant to be on stage and what songs they were playing, and everyone was well prepared to play in front of a live audience. The event also sold out, which was a huge success, and everyone who attended the event seemed to have a good time.

What could’ve been better with this event?

One of the main problems we ran into with this event is that it didn’t get recorded, and therefore a lot of us didn’t have much evidence to post on our digital space for the final performance.

What could I learn from this event?

I think it would be beneficial for me to look at what went into last years’ planning and preparation for this event, and take notes on what steps were taken in order for this event to have the success it did. It would be ideal to follow a similar structure, since we are hosting a similar event.


Since the event will be on a much smaller scale than what others may typically expect a gig/concert to be, we really have to think about how to catch people’s attention.

One of the best ways to do this is to show them what the event is about. This may include posting rehearsal videos on social media. This will give them a sneak peak into what they should expect to see at the event. The bands and students within the performance have a lot to show, so using videos as a way to promote the event may be one of the most effective ways to invite people to get tickets.

However, you can’t expect people to know where to find these videos or social media posts without showing them. This is where the importance of flyers and posters comes in. Creating a poster which clearly explains the details of the event is extremely important. In the case of our showcase, it is a local gig. Therefore, putting up posters and flyers within/around the venue is likely to encourage people to get tickets and see the show. (Keyes, 2022)

Knowing your target audience is key when trying to run a successful event. If you promote your event to the wrong audience, the probability of selling tickets is quite slim. As well as this, starting promotion within an appropriate timeframe is important. Giving people enough time to adjust plans etc. is more likely to attract an audience than it would be if you left promotion far too late. (Koehler, n.d.)