Putting the Piece Together (Me and Blake)


In the first week, we tried putting together a chord progression by rolling a dice. The chord progression we found while doing this was C major, E minor, G major and F major. I played the chords while Blake played the root note.


In the second week, we started trying to come up with a melody for the piece. It took a while to come up with ideas, and we struggled quite a lot at first. Eventually we found something that we thought might work.


We continued to work on a melody for the piece, and after working through the C major pentatonic, we found something that we both really liked.

The next step for us is to add in another section to the piece, as we only have one so far, and we don’t want the piece to become too boring or repetitive.


After not working on the piece for a while, after Christmas break it took us a while to work out where we were up to with the development of the piece, and we still only had one section. Over the next week we started working on another chord progression for the next section.


The chord progression for the next section consisted of only 2 chords; D major and G major. The two chords work really well together, and they worked well with the section we already had.