Proposal Form

Candidate NameLeoni Conway
Candidate Number10609033
PathwayUAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production
Project TitleAmplified
Section 1: Context (approx. 300 words)
My aim for my final project is to plan and execute a live music performance on the piano, using complex left hand parts to accompany a vocalist. I also aim to organise, promote and market the end of year showcase. I wanted to do this project because I have recognised strengths when it comes to live performances, so I wanted to use the opportunity to further develop these skills whilst also obtaining new ones. Alongside this, I wanted to develop my skills in other areas to enhance my creativity. My confidence has developed throughout the course and by doing this project it will continue to develop more, and be beneficial for my higher education course and future careers. During my course I have developed many key skills in performance, live sound, graphic design and composition. I wanted to pick out the aspects of the course I enjoyed most and incorporate these into my final project this year.

The skills I obtain during this project will be extremely relevant and helpful towards my university course. I will learn how to manage a team of people correctly, communicate with different personnel effectively and also create connections with different creatives. The project will enhance my portfolio creative strengths. My role within the showcase causes me to be reliable for some of my peers’ project success, which means I will have to push myself out of my comfort zone in order to enable the best possible outcome for both myself and others.

For my project’s context, I will explain how my project is relevant to today’s industry. I will use different mediums and sources within my work and credit them through the use of Harvard referencing.
Section 2: Research (approx. 50 words)
I will be researching different marketing and promotion techniques, graphic design and artwork inspirations and set list inspirations. This research will allow me to reach my full potential and complete my project to a higher standard. Some of the resources I plan to use include articles, websites, photos and videos.
Section 3: Problem Solving (approx. 100 words)
A lot of the problems which may occur will be due to lack of planning. In order to prevent this, I will plan appropriately without trying to be too optimistic. I will stick closely to deadlines and set realistic targets for my work, to prevent myself from being overloaded with too many tasks.

If other problems arise I will take initiative to tackle them accordingly using the most suitable solutions, detecting what went wrong and how a similar problem could be avoided. For example, I have previously faced problems in the design and printing of programmes, so I now know the best solution to overcome this problem, and will use this information within my final project.
Section 4: Planning and Production (approx. 50 words)
I will dedicate certain days of each week for each aspect of my project, splitting the week into 90 minute sessions which I will plan in as much detail as possible. This will allow me to centre my focus on one aspect a day instead of focusing on all aspects at once. Setting realistic targets regularly will allow me to reach important milestones in an appropriate timeframe.
Section 5: Practical Skills (approx. 100 words)
My practical skills will make up most of my project and consist of performance, graphic design, promotion, communication and time management. Some of the resources I will need include a rehearsal room, instruments (piano, vocal mic), a Mac/laptop, access to software (Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, After Effects etc.) as well as access to the internet and social media.

Both in and outside of college I have developed some graphic design skills, specifically within projects earlier this year and towards the end of my first year. I have developed key performance skills within both years of the course which have improved my confidence on and off stage.
Section 6: Evaluation and Reflection (approx. 100 words)
I will do weekly reflections on a Friday afternoon, in a written format using the ERA reflective cycle. Alongside this will be a weekly written evaluation, analysing my strengths and areas for improvement as well as skill development, progression and any future targets. All evaluations will be constructive and I will note any changes to my plans. I will also include a written evaluation at key milestones within my project (completed research, promotion, set list, stage design etc.)

I will complete a final product evaluation at the end of the project, exploring areas of similarity and difference in comparison to my original ideas.
Section 7: Presentation (approx. 100 words)
I will present the development of my project through my Digital Space online portfolio using images (such as artwork designs and promotional content) and videos (rehearsals and showcase) supported by written content to show the development of my ideas and concepts. Ultimately, my final presentation will be the concept of the showcase itself, and how successful the outcome of it is. In addition to this, the incorporated live performance within the showcase will be the presentation of my musical skills. The outcome of my project relies on the success of the final showcase and the presentation of it to the intended target audience (family, friends, prospective students etc.)
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
(Balit, 2022)
Balit, F.R. (2022) How to reduce no-shows at free events?The Events Cast. Available at: 
(BBC, 2022)
BBC (2022) Events: Noise exposure – health & safetyBBC News. Available at:,level%20should%20not%20exceed%20140dB. 
(Carter, 2022)
Carter, C. (2022) Email marketing for musicians: A 10-step guide for beginnersConstant Contact. Available at:,music%20and%20attending%20your%20shows. 
(Executive, No Date)
Executive, H. and S. (no date) Pat – portable appliance testing faqsPAT (Portable appliance testing) – HSE’s answers to popular questions. Available at: