Project Evaluation

I think this project was a huge success. The show was organised well, and everyone knew what was meant to be happening and when.

Some of my biggest strengths within this project have been communication and planning/organisation. I was able to effectively communicate with my peers when giving them important information. I was also able to follow up this information on Teams so that they all had something else to look back on and check. This was successful because everyone was aware of any important events, and they were all informed ahead of time to ensure they were well prepared. My planning and organisation was also a big strength of mine because I was able to get most things ready on time, such as the flyers, ticket link and programmes.

I think the performance side of the project went very well considering how little time we had to prepare. We were able to put together a four song set with ease, and for the most part without a vocalist. It was quite difficult having to learn all of the songs without a singer, as it was tough to remember the structure without lyrics, but we were all able to pull it off and have the set ready so that Lucy was able to learn the songs with us during the last couple of weeks. Although it isn’t necessarily my favourite, I do enjoy performing. So it may be something I come back to in future projects.

I really enjoyed learning more about live sound within this project. I think I could confidently set up a PA system for a similar performance, or even deliver workshops to new students. this is definitely something I would like to work with more in future projects, or maybe even for the final showcase.

Although I was under a lot of stress with this project, I now know what to expect next time. Therefore, I will be able to plan better in advance, and know when to set time aside for different things. I would be happy to organise an event like this in the future.