Problem Solving

  1. In previous projects, I found it quite hard to completely focus and complete all of my work within college, therefore I resolved this issue by creating a balance between my college work and independent study.
  2. Previously, we had issues when printing the programme; it was difficult trying to work out how to print it correctly, with everything being the correct way. To resolve this issue for this project, I used a different printer and Paul showed me an easier way to ensure that the programmes were all printed the right way.
  3. The vocalist I had planned to perform with had to cancel last minute. This meant that I had to find another vocalist to cover the performance. Fortunately, Lainnie was able to step up and sing within my performance.
  4. Unfortunately one of college’s keyboards broke a week or so before the final showcase, and one of the others was too small to be used within the performances it was needed for. To fix this, I asked Nic if he was able to bring in his own keyboard to be used within the event.
  5. Not everyone who booked tickets turned up to the showcase. Therefore, to make sure the room didn’t look too empty, we removed rows of seating.