Mock Performance

what went well?

I think Hall of Fame went quite well. I remembered all of my parts and I remembered the structure of the song. I was also able to control my dynamics quite well.

In Air Catcher, I was able to keep the velocity of the notes pretty much the same. There weren’t really many parts where certain notes were louder than the others.

I think I also controlled my dynamics quite well within Feeling Good and Adventure of a Lifetime. When I turned the volume of the synth up towards the end of the pre-chorus it sounded good and similar to the original track.

what could be improved?

I think the tempo for both Hall of Fame and Air Catcher is too fast. Air Catcher in particular sounds very quick in comparison to the original track. This may make the song, and even the set as a whole sound very rushed. I also need to make sure to keep the dynamics the same within the verse of Air Catcher, as you can hear some notes a lot more than others, rather than being able to hear the whole chord equally.

There were parts in all of the songs where we were all a bit off with timing. It may not be too noticeable to an audience but improving these parts would definitely make the whole set sound a lot tighter and would help it flow together better. These are things we did well when practising but just need to work with more for the live performance.

I think the main song we need to focus on is Adventure of a Lifetime. Something I need to focus on is when to change to synth, and when to stay on the A within the bridge of the song.

How could I improve?

Personally, since I set the tempo for Hall of Fame, I could learn how to slow the tempo down while performing. I think a lot of it comes down to nerves, especially since it is the first song within our set. To improve this for the final performance I could research some techniques to help calm my nerves before going on stage.

To improve Adventure of a Lifetime, I just need to practise the bridge and the ending more, and learn the structure of the song so I know when to change sounds.