Meeting Log

Prior to the meeting, we wrote down in groups things that we need to sort out before/on the showcase. These included:

  • Finishing the programme
  • Continue promotion
  • Blake – looking at lighting
  • Review ticket list
  • Figure out how many seats can fit in B25
  • Email about parking
  • Give out jobs for on the night
  • Plan timetable for the 18th

After some initial thoughts for the topics we should discuss in the meeting, we narrowed it down to;

  • Performance day – runthrough
  • Health and Safety
  • Staging, Equipment, Live Sound and Lighting
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Programme
  • Promotion and Ticketing, Contacting attendees
  • Performer check-in
  • Radios
  • AOB

Meeting Notes

  • Performance Day – run-through
    • 1:30-3:00 – afternoon performance
    • 7:00-8:30 – final show
    • Live Stream?
    • Refreshments
    • Music
    • Practise rooms etc. open from 9:30 if people want to come in, not required
  • Health and Safety
    • Lighting on seating, not stage, swap over before performance
    • Tidy B25 and backstage
    • Trip hazards – HW
    • Volume – ear plugs? – OW 12th
    • Capacity – OW
    • Lamp backstage
  • Staging, Equipment, Live Sound and Lighting
    • Harry tunes extra guitars – swaps over songs
    • Check Ethan’s bass – 17th
    • Good quality jack leads
    • Johnathan and Tony – LEDs
    • Spare guitars
    • Ring for snare – BK
    • Bands on stage – lighting on them not audience, dim when they come off
    • Curtain over riser and wires
    • Mic for percussion?
  • Roles and Responsibilities
    • Refreshments
    • Music
    • Parking
    • Check in
    • Coordinating people
    • Handing out programmes
    • Tidy – inc. backstage
    • Backstage Manager – HW
    • Setting up camera and recording – OW
  • Programme
    • Finish by tomorrow (12th) – OW and LC
    • Print – 17th
    • Give to stewards to hand out
    • Print around 120-150
    • Talk about donations
  • Promotion and Ticketing, Contacting attendees
    • Review attendee list – 17th
    • Print list for check in – 18th
    • Contact attendees – 11th/12th – parking and refreshments
  • Performer check-in
    • Check in with each band after first performance – OW – 18th
    • Anxiety techniques/stage fright – NS – 18th
  • Radios
    • Test radios
    • 4 needed – parking, stewards, B25, Nic
  • AOB
    • Bring in chromatic tuner – HW

Rough plan for 18th

  • 1:15 – B25 ready for performance 1
  • 1:30-3:00 – performance 1
  • 6:00 – briefing in B41 and anxiety calming methods
  • 6:15 – places
  • 1st band gather in B41 by 6:50
  • 1st band backstage by 6:55

Job roles

  • Parking x2/3 – GHR and CAR ST
  • Refreshments x2
  • Check in x2
  • Stewards x3
  • Music x1
  • B25 x2 – HW and BK