
Writing lyrics is something that I really struggle with. I find it difficult to come up with ideas and a decent storyline for the lyrics to follow. However, I do really want to have lyrics and vocals within this piece. In past projects, any work I have produced either via Logic or via Ableton has been instrumental. This is because I seem to lack the creativity needed when it comes to writing lyrics for a piece. Although I do like some of the pieces I have produced for other projects, I haven’t really listened back to them since handing the projects in, and they aren’t pieces i’m really proud of.

Due to this, I decided that the main collaboration within my project would be during the process of writing the lyrics. I did speak to one of my peers about collaborating with lyrics during the early stages of the project. However, they ended up being quite unreliable and there wasn’t enough communication between the both of us to be able to produce lyrics in time for them to be recorded before the showcase. Therefore, Oliver and I sat down within one of our sessions and jotted down ideas to use within the piece.

When writing the instrumentation for the piece I decided that I wanted the lyrics to be based around cherry blossom trees. The timing of the project happened to fall around spring, which is when cherry blossoms start to bloom, so I took inspiration from this when thinking about themes for the lyrics. In Japan, when cherry blossoms begin to bloom it is tradition to celebrate with a picnic underneath the trees (also known as Hanami). I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate this into my lyrics. My initial idea for the story of the song was a young couple on their first date. Of course, the scene would take place underneath a cherry blossom tree and therefore it made sense to use the first verse to set the atmosphere/scene within the lyrics.

For the second verse, we thought it would be a great idea to write it from the point of view of someone reflecting on the time they spent at the blossom tree. However, the twist in the narrative is that they have come back to the tree to spread their loved one’s ashes. This follows the initial theme of the song because spring is the season of new life, so by them spreading the ashes during that season, it presents the idea of them giving their loved one a new life and fresh beginning.

Within the bridge, we wanted to change from the couple’s perspective to an outsiders perspective. The best idea for this is to use a metaphor of the tree being a human-like object who is watching all of the couples experience their first dates below its branches.


Themes for the song as a whole:

  • Cherry Blossoms
  • Picnics
  • Spring – New Life
  • New Beginning
  • Night (stars etc.)
  • First Date
  • Cherry Blossoms falling = falling in love

Lyric ideas:

  • Just like the cherry blossoms, i’m falling for you.
  • … I don’t know/I’m not sure what to do
  • I’m feeling something new
  • You left me breathless when I saw you that night
  • Hues of silver falling from the moonlight
  • Felt like kids when we played truth or dare
  • Maybe we make the perfect pair
  • … I couldn’t help but stare
  • … without a care
  • … point of view

Verse 2 – Theme Ideas

  • Anniversary – come back to the same place
  • Children have come back to the same place – reflecting on photograph or letter
  • POV of the tree seeing couples on first dates – carving names etc.
  • Next generation of couples having first dates]

Anniversary – the tree has seen the same couple’s relationship build over the years. Wife/husband comes back on their anniversary and reflects on the relationship. Twist – they’re back to spread the ashes of their loved one.

What have they learnt? – Things are easier together/as a team.

Bridge Ideas

Tree perspective – the tree has been a part of bonding many people.

Lyrics V1

Verse 1

You left me breathless when I saw you that night, 

Hues of silver echo in the moonlight. 

Fireflies danced all through the spring air,        

You look so beautiful; I couldn’t help but stare.  


Like the cherry blossoms, I’m falling for you. X 3 

I’m in too deep, if only you knew 

Verse 2

We used to come here year after year 

Looking back now, it seems so clear. 

You and I, we made the perfect team 

It’s painful I’ll only see you in my dreams. 

Chorus 2

Like the cherry blossoms, I’m falling for you x 3 

I’m in too deep, if only you knew 

Like the cherry blossoms, I’m falling for you x 3 

The stars are shining, but you’re my favourite view. 


So many have come and gone, 

Now the seasons feel quite long. 

As spring comes, we start to bloom 

A brand new love to start at noon. 

When teaching Lucy the lyrics for the song, we realised it was too wordy and hard to sing. Therefore, Nic and I sat down, went through the lyrics and took out words that didn’t really need to be there. This helped the lyrics flow better within the song and made them a lot easier to sing and fit in with the melody.

Lyrics V2

Verse 1

Left me breathless when I saw you that night, 

Hues of silver in the moonlight. 

Fireflies danced all through the air,        

So beautiful; I couldn’t help but stare.  


Cherry blossoms, I’m falling for you (alternate with if you only knew)

I’m in too deep, if only you knew 

Verse 2

We used to come here year after year 

Looking back now, it seems so clear. 

You and I, we made the team 

Painful to see you in my dreams. 

Chorus 2

Cherry blossoms, I’m falling for you (alternate with if you only knew)

I’m in too deep, if only you knew 

Cherry blossoms, I’m falling for you (alternate with if you only knew)

Stars are shining, but you’re my favourite view. 


So many have come and gone, 

Now the seasons feel quite long. 

As spring comes, we start to bloom 

A brand new love to start at noon.