Kings Of Leon

For my first attempt at mixing a track I don’t think I did awful. Although there is a lot that I think I could’ve done differently. For example, the vocals are way too loud in comparison to the rest of the instruments, and I don’t think I added the compression properly as it sounds a bit squeaky at times and also clips some of the vocals.

To improve this I could try mixing tracks with very simple instrumentation and vocals so I can learn how to properly add effects onto vocals to make it sound nice and fit with the rest of the track.

Aside from vocals I think I could have improved the automation of the track towards the very end, as the build up into the last chorus is very dramatic and noticeable, and doesn’t sound too great overall.

I like the added reverb on a lot of the instruments. However, I really struggled with finding a nice reverb which worked well with both the instruments and vocals. I spent a lot of time looking through the different options, but couldn’t seem to find a nice balance. In future projects, I would really like to work with Logic more and explore different ways to add reverb onto vocals.

I added a high pass filter on both of the overheads to enhance the sound of the symbols, as most of the toms were already miced up separately. I also panned them to make the mix sound more full. I also added a noise gate to get rid of any unnecessary background noise.

I panned 2 of the guitars so that they could both be heard throughout the entire song, as sometimes one of them overpowered the other.

I added reverb on a few instruments using an auxiliary send. In my opinion it made the track sound a lot more full.

In the process of adding automation to the track, I wanted the volume to increase during the chorus, since there is a lot more happening musically at this point, and I feel as though it really works well with the track. I think that since I found it hard to mix the vocals, the automation of the vocals also became really difficult. However, for the rest of the instruments I found it quite easy as I knew how I wanted the track to sound.