Jazz Rehearsals

I think this rehearsal went quite well, it is difficult to hear the keyboard on the recording, and parts are muffled but I think the song was quite easy to follow. My main weakness here was knowing when to switch to C, but more practise will help me figure this one out.

I think this rehearsal shows a lot of improvement in comparison to the last one. I found it easier to know when to change to the C, and back to the G. One thing that could be improved is the timing, but once percussion is added back in, it will be a lot easier to understand when the chords change.

There were a few points where I slipped up with the chords, so I really need to focus on practising more so that this doesn’t happen in the future.

I have never really improvised before, so I struggled with it quite a bit. I feel as though some notes etc sound very out of place. I also don’t know any of the scales needed to improvise. To help with my improvisation within thus project I should try and learn the scale needed for the song, and different improvisation techniques.

I think my timing with the chords is getting better, although I do keep slipping up still, so I need to work on that.

Some of the chords in this song are a lot more complex in comparison to ones I have used before, so it was quite difficult to play them. Some of the chord changes are a lot quicker than what I am used to, so it was hard to adapt to that, but with more practise and rehearsals I think it could sound good.

My improvisation in this song is better than it was in All Blues, but it definitely still needs some work.

I need to work on the intro of this song, especially the last few chords before going into the main sections. I could also work on adding in my left hand. I think that as a band something we need to work on a bit more is our communication, mostly during the intro and outro of each song, but also when taking turns to improvise.

I think my improvisation is improving slightly, however it still needs a lot of work. This is definitely one of the stronger songs so far, we all seem to know what we are doing most of the time.

There were a few points in the song where I was bit off time with the chords. I think practising a bit more will help build my confidence within each song, as I think I do know all of the chords, but don’t have the confidence to play them loud enough, so they end up sounding a bit out of time.