
The aim for this project is “To develop skills in freelance music and to prepare professionally for the higher education and the music industry.”

During this project, I have been looking at music within the community. This includes performing a jazz set with my band to residents at a local care home, as well as delivering instrumental lessons to young people.

I have also been looking at my personal progression after the course, including university applications and personal statements. This has made me more aware of what skills I have obtained both professionally and as a musician.

Project one reflection

In my last project, I had strong problem solving skills. I was able to identify a problem and find an appropriate solution, and then communicate this back to my peers and tutors. Things were made much easier when they were carefully planned out and I was able to assign jobs to Harry, Blake and Oliver.

One thing I definitely need to work on throughout this project is my research. I need to set some more time aside at the beginning of the project to get this done, as it will help me understand more about why we are doing the project, and what impact it will have. I will look at how music is used within different communities, and what other community projects are happening in and around Bradford.

I also need to make sure I am well caught up on my evaluations and reflections, as these are things I tend to fall behind on, and often leave until the last minute. Completing my reflections and evaluations as soon as possible after receiving any videos etc back will make them much easier to do, and I will have much more to evaluate on by the end of the project. I can apply this to not only project two, but the remainder of my projects on the course. It may also be beneficial to me to do a more in-depth evaluation for the entire project at the end of it. This will include looking at all of my strengths and weaknesses, areas I enjoyed, what I didn’t enjoy, and what skills I have gained to take through to the rest of my projects and further education. This will allow me to see what I have improved and what I need to work on in order to be/do better.