Initial Idea

what is my idea?

The idea for my final project is to organise the final showcase. I will take on the role of event manager, this will include planning the venue, tickets, promotion and marketing for the whole event. I want to use all of the skills I have obtained within project one for my event management role, and skills I have developed throughout the past couple of years within graphic design. If there is time to do so, I would also like to try and assist with the live sound/lighting/projection mapping for the final showcase as I believe that these will be beneficial skills for me to learn for the future.

Alongside this, I am also going to develop my skills as a pianist in preparation for the showcase. This will hopefully include playing alongside a vocalist within the final performance. I would like to learn how to play more complex songs and ideas with my left hand, as this is something I have been wanting to improve for a while, and now is a great opportunity to not only work on that, but also showcase it at the same time.

I will be taking inspiration from different shows and events within my event management and promotion role. I will do this by evaluating past events, and seeing what information/advice I can take from them, and how their faults may help improve the final showcase for this year. Within my graphic design, I will be looking at several different event posters and marketing techniques used during past showcases, and also larger events. I am hoping to try some new ideas for this showcase, as I would like to try and promote the event to a larger audience than just family and friends.

For the performance side of things, I have already begun researching different songs in different genres that I could possibly use within the final performance, but I will also be looking at different left handed techniques, and how I can improve.

presentation of idea


I believe that I presented the basic plans for my final project quite well, I have somewhat of a clear path that I would like to go down. However, I think there is still a lot to be considered. For example, I would need to look at several different venues and calculate any costs (if any) and what we have the budget for, I would also need to work out what space we have for equipment and ideas. I do have many ideas in terms of the promotion and marketing for the event, as I would like to present some new ideas for the showcase that haven’t necessarily been used within the course before, and I will be working closely with Paul to figure a lot of this out.

Alongside this, I need to start thinking of ideas for a set list to showcase at the final performance. Ideally these will all be acoustic songs, but I definitely need to research this a lot to see what I would be capable of playing/learning to play within the timeframe available. I also need to contact Lucy/Lainnie to see if they are available to perform at the showcase, and also free to rehearse in weeks leading up to the final showcase. Weighing out the pros and cons of each performer will allow me to decide who would be most reliable to work with in preparation for the show.

Taking on feedback from Nic, I am aware that there is a lot of planning that needs to be done well in advance for the showcase in terms of the date and venue. I will need to begin research very quickly and contacting said venues to discuss any details required. I believe that after completing a similar project in a smaller timeframe that I will be well prepared for this project if I plan accordingly.