Final Piece

Ableton Final Piece – Floating In My Mind

Overall, I am very happy with my final piece. I enjoyed putting it together and I also enjoyed working with Ableton.

It was difficult getting the track started, but once I had a drum beat I was happy with, and a nice chord progression, it was much easier to adding the rest of the instrumentation. Initially, I was going to keep the instrumentation quite simple with drums, keys and bass. However, after adding all of these in, I realised that there were sections within the piece that needed more texture in order to make them more interesting and different to the other sections. In addition to this, there was the breakdown/pre-chorus, which I decided to keep very simple because I thought it would sound good with the chorus coming in afterwards.

After making a melody I was happy with, I tried coming up with some lyrics. I really struggled with this and I didn’t manage to write anything I liked, and I didn’t have much time left until the piece had to be finished. Therefore, I chose not to include any lyrics or vocals within my piece. If I end up using Ableton again for future projects, I would like to try and incorporate vocals into the piece. I could try and collaborate with my peers and ask them to help with lyrics and vocals, whilst I add in the instrumentation.

I enjoyed using this software as it was quite simple to get the basics, and there was a wide library of sounds and instruments available to use.