Final Piece

Final Piece 1

I am really happy with this piece of work. I think the composition works well with the moving image in terms of the instrumentation used. The chords I chose to use match the emotion shown within the moving image and the melody played by the synth gives the piece more texture.

My favourite part of this composition is the arpeggio of the chords.

One thing I think I could’ve improved is making sure that all of the instruments are quantised correctly, as there are some points where notes sound off beat.

I also think that I could’ve mixed it better, as the dynamics of some instruments are a lot louder than others. If I mixed it correctly, I could make sure that the velocity stays the same/similar so that the piece sounds tighter as a whole.

Final Piece 2

I like the synth used within this composition and the way it progresses itself without having to use any complex chords or notes. I chose the sound because of elements (such as the VR headset) within the moving image. Therefore, I think it fits in perfectly.

I also like the synth parts at the end, as the moving image shows a dream-like sequence, and the synth sound matches it perfectly.

Again, to improve I should make sure to quantize everything as much as possible. For this piece I didn’t play to a metronome click. However, if I played to one then I think the piece would sound much tighter and flow together better.

I would like to try and incorporate logic into future projects so that I can make myself more familiar with the software and how it works.