Final Performance

Matinee Performance

(1 hour 16 onwards)

I think that the performance went well for the most part, minus a few mistakes within the first song. All of the mistakes made during the first song were the octaves – something I should’ve practised much more prior to the performance. However, they didn’t take away from the performance too much and were hardly noticeable. Another possible reason for these mistakes may be due to the heat of the room, which made me a little more anxious. Aside from this, the rest of the song went well, I was able to control the dynamics well enough and keep in time with Lainnie.

The second song of the set went very well. No mistakes were made and I kept in time with Lainnie’s singing. I was able to practise this song a lot more, as I initially learnt it for another performance months prior, which worked in my favour.

Similarly, there were little to no mistakes in the final song. The synth within the chorus couldn’t really be heard, which wasn’t a huge issue as it isn’t very noticeable in the original, but it may have added a little but more texture to the piece.

Final Performance

(1 hour 22 onwards)

Even though I practised the octaves more between the matinee performance and the final performance, I still ended up messing them up. This time was more noticeable, but on only one occasion, which is definitely still an improvement from the dress rehearsal. I was able to control my dynamics well despite my nerves. I believe I handled myself quite well, even though I was extremely nervous and warm. The performance of the first song was good overall.

Moving onto the second song, I had a lot more confidence due to knowing it very well. I made little to no mistakes and felt a lot more comfortable performing.

Although there were some technical difficulties at the beginning of the final song, I think the performance still went very well, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. The addition of the breakdown definitely made the song sound a lot more finished, especially with it being the final show of the show. Again, the synth couldn’t really be heard, which wasn’t too much of an issue.


Within the matinee performance, I took some of the skills I had developed within an extracurricular project (learning how to properly use a camera and some of its functions) and took some photos to enhance my digital portfolio. I have included a handful, which I don’t think came out too bad.