Final Performance

42 mins onwards

The tempo for Hall of Fame was great; I didn’t play too fast or too slow, which made the song sound way better than we have played it previously. I think I could’ve improved the bridge, as I was a little but out of time. It wasn’t too noticeable for an audience but it is definitely something I should work on for next time. The ending went very well too, I was able to communicate effectively with my band for when they needed to play.

Air Catcher was also very good; the tempo wasn’t too fast and I was able to play all of my notes and a similar velocity and dynamic. I also communicated with Ethan at the end of the song to make sure we were both playing at the same time.

In my opinion, Feeling Good and Adventure of a Lifetime are the best songs within our set. They both had little to no mistakes, and they are more well known to the audience than Hall of Fame and Air Catcher.

Overall, I think this is our best performance so far. There weren’t many major problems musically, and everyone seemed confident with the structure and playing their instruments.

45:40 onwards

When I went on stage, the keyboard settings had been changed which made me really nervous as I didn’t think I would have time to change it before our set started. However, I was able to get it changed in time.

I think the first song went really well; I remembered the correct structure and I played the right parts at the right time. There are some aspects which could’ve been improved, such as slowing down more on the outro. Even though I didn’t slow down as much as I needed to, it didn’t sound bad, as I still played the right notes and kept the same dynamics as I did when playing the riff in the rest of the song. There were a few points where I did play the riff slightly out of time, but I managed to recover from this quickly and play in time again.

I don’t think I made any noticeable mistakes in Air Catcher. It was very difficult to play considering we played it at a much quicker tempo than the original song, and as we rehearsed. My arm was aching a lot throughout the song but luckily there were points where I could stop for a few seconds. I think we did well at keeping up the tempo, and not slowing down throughout the song. I think I managed to play the keys at the same velocity throughout the song; there weren’t many points where one note was louder than the other.

I messed up quite a bit towards the end of Feeling Good. I forgot when we had to go down to an E. This caused me to go out of time with both my right and left hand. A little bit more practise could’ve prevented this.

The presentation of my performance could’ve definitely been improved. While I wasn’t constantly looking down at the keyboard, I wasn’t really smiling, which could’ve made me look better as a performer. I did communicate quite a bit with both Blake and Ethan, especially towards the end of air catcher. However, I could’ve done this more throughout the songs.

I think Adventure of a Lifetime sounded really good. It was a great song to end the night on, and the crowd seemed to really enjoy it. They were all participating and singing/clapping along to the song.

I’m really happy with this performance, regardless of the problems faced before or during the set.