Christmas Showcase Final Performance

Live Wire At Christmas 16/12/2021

Indecisive – 1:22-9:50

I think that as a band we have improved quite a lot since our first performance; we are visibly more comfortable with performing, and seem a lot more relaxed on stage in comparison to our first live performance.

I think our first song went quite well. We struggled within the rehearsals to get the timing of the build up correctly. However, we were able to get it right within the final performance.

We knew the structure of all of the songs pretty well. In rehearsals we worked on topping and tailing the set, so we were ready for this performance. In my opinion, we did very well considering the short amount of time we had to put everything together.

I messed up one of the chords within Snowman. I think this was just down to nerves and luckily, it wasn’t too noticeable, as the chord I played was a chord from the second half of the pre-chorus. To improve this next time, I could do some exercises to calm my nerves beforehand.

Looking back on the final song, I wish I’d have incorporated my left hand into it. I struggled with the timing of it within rehearsals, and we didn’t have much time left to put the set together so I ended up leaving it out instead of learning it. Therefore, next time I will put more time aside to learn the left hand part of the songs.