Brainstorming Ideas


  1. I want to become proficient in playing piano.
  2. I want to have a career in the music industry.
  3. I want to release my own music.
  4. I want to learn guitar.
  5. I want to learn how to use software such as Logic and Ableton to produce music.
  6. I want to work with live sound more (setting up equipment etc.).
  7. I want to make a music video.
  8. I want to learn how to record more/better.


1. Solo piano piece – live performance/release

  • Come up with chord progressions and use scales to compose a piece which can be either recorded, mixed and released or performed live at a show.
  • Release the peace of music, work with art and design students or media students to create a pice of artwork or a video which can be released on streaming platforms such as Spotify or YouTube.

2. Pit band for Grease the musical

  • Work with John and the degree students to learn how to read music and scores.

3. Set up live sound for a live performance.

4. Compose/write a song and work alongside media students to create a music video.

  • Come up with chord progressions, melodies and work with different instruments to write a song, then either record using audio into logic, or put sounds using midi, then mix and master the song, and create a music video to release alongside it.

5. Record/mix for someone writing music or songs.

  • Assist another student in recording their final project, then work alongside them to decide which effects they may want to use/avoid when mixing. Learn how to master and prepare for release.

6. Promotion

  • Collaborate with art and design or media students to come up with artwork for a single which can be released on streaming platforms such as Spotify and Soundcloud.