Action Plan and Timetable

WeekDate Week BeginningActivity/What you are intending to do – including independent studyResources/What you will need to do it – including access to workshops
114/03/22Research into the industry: looking at songwriting techniques, chord progressions and scales as well as promotion, marketing and distribution.
Use both primary and secondary research sources.
Tuesday (AM) 1: Researching marketing techniques – distribution.
Document on Digital Space and use citemethis to reference any websites and sources used.
Tuesday (AM) 2: Researching marketing techniques – promotion.
Document on Digital Space and use citemethis to reference any websites and sources used.
Tuesday (PM) 1: Researching songwriting techniques – lyrics. Magazine technique.
Take photos etc. throughout and document on Digital Space
Tuesday (PM) 2: Researching songwriting techniques – chord progressions and scales.
Document on Digital Space and use citemethis to reference any websites and sources used.
Wednesday: Primary research – Google Forms questionnaire.
Send out to peers.
Friday (Graphics): Work on generating ideas for artwork with Paul.
Friday 1: Make sure everything has been documented on Digital Space, upload anything that hasn’t yet been uploaded.
Catch up on anything that may have been missed.
Friday 2: Evaluate what I have achieved within the week. What went well? What could I have done better? Following what I have managed to do, what are my goals for the following week?
Personal Study: Continue with research.
– Laptop/Mac
– YouTube
– Library
221/03/22Start putting together some chord progressions, decide what key I would like to work with. Start working on potential melodies using scales and modes. Work on initial ideas for graphics and artwork. Start contacting music distribution platforms.
Tuesday (AM) 1: Go into a practise room and work on some chord progressions within different keys.
Tuesday (AM) 2: Continue working on chord progressions, record and document on Digital Space.
Tuesday (PM) 1: Look into scales and modes, and play around with different melodies.
Tuesday (PM) 2: Continue looking at melodies, record and document on Digital Space.
Wednesday: Document answers from the previous week’s google forms as primary research on Digital Space.
Friday (Graphics): Begin working on artwork with Paul.
Friday 1: Continue working on chord progressions and melodies.
Find a singer.
Friday 2: Evaluate what I have achieved within the week. What went well? What could I have done better? Following what I have managed to do, what are my goals for the following week?
Personal Study: Make sure everything is documented on Digital Space. Work on chord progressions and melodies at home, and have a look into instrumentation.
– Practice Room
– Photoshop
– A Camera
– Piano/MIDI Keyboard
– Logic
328/03/22Start writing lyrics/collaborate with someone to write lyrics while continuing to work on the chord progression and melody. Make sure the song is ready to record.
Tuesday (AM) 1: Begin writing lyrics.
Tuesday (AM) 2: Continue writing lyrics, document on Digital Space.
Tuesday (PM) 1: Work with the chord progression and melody, as well as the lyrics.
Tuesday (PM) 2: Continue with lyrics.
Wednesday: Make sure everything is up to date on digital space. Make finishing touches on lyrics.
Friday (Graphics): Continue working on the artwork.
Friday 1: Make sure everything is ready to record. Finishing touches on instrumentation.
Friday 2: Evaluate what I have achieved within the week. What went well? What could I have done better? Following what I have managed to do, what are my goals for the following week?
Personal Study: ‘Perfect’ the song to make sure it is ready for recording the following week.
– Piano/MIDI Keyboard
– Logic
– Practice Room

404/04/22Begin recording the track. Work with Paul to create graphics/artwork to release alongside the single.
Tuesday (AM) 1: Start recording the piano for the track, record to a click.
Tuesday (AM) 2: Finish recording the piano, begin adding in guitar and bass., record to a click.
Tuesday (PM) 1: Finish recording guitar and bass, add in drums.
Tuesday (PM) 2: Finishing touches on instrumentation.
Wednesday: Record vocals.
Friday 1: Make sure everything is recorded and ready for mixing.
Friday 2: Evaluate what I have achieved within the week. What went well? What could I have done better? Following what I have managed to do, what are my goals for the following week?
Personal Study: Upload and document everything to Digital Space.
– Logic
– Studio
– Live Room
– Piano/MIDI Keyboard
– Mics
– Cables
– Guitar
– Drums
– Bass
– Photoshop
– Camera
525/04/22Start mixing the track. Continue work on the artwork/graphics.
Start promoting the release of the track on social media platforms and in/around college. Plan on how the single will be showcased at the end of the project.
Tuesday (AM) 1: Mixing
Tuesday (AM) 2: Mixing
Tuesday (PM) 1: Mixing and promoting
Tuesday (PM) 2: Mixing and promoting
Wednesday: Promotion
Friday (Graphics): Continue working on artwork.
Friday 1: Mixing and promotion.
Friday 2: Evaluate what I have achieved within the week. What went well? What could I have done better? Following what I have managed to do, what are my goals for the following week?
Personal Study: Make sure everything is documented on Digital Space.
– Logic
– Phone/Laptop
– Social Media
602/05/22Mixing, finishing touches on graphics/artwork. Continue with promotion of the single.
Tuesday (AM) 1: Mixing
Tuesday (AM) 2: Mixing and promotion.
Tuesday (PM) 1: Mixing.
Tuesday (PM) 2: Mixing and promotion.
Wednesday: Promotion
Friday 1: Mixing.
Friday 2: Evaluate what I have achieved within the week. What went well? What could I have done better? Following what I have managed to do, what are my goals for the following week?
Personal Study: Make sure Digital Space is up to date.
– Logic
– Photoshop
– Laptop/Mac
– Social Media
709/05/22Mixing and mastering, as well as preparing the single for release. Continue with promotion.
Tuesday (AM) 1: Mixing.
Tuesday (AM) 2: Mixing.
Tuesday (PM) 1: Mixing.
Tuesday (PM) 2: Promotion.
Wednesday: Promotion.
Friday 1: Finishing touches on mixing, bounce the track.
Friday 2: Evaluate what I have achieved within the week. What went well? What could I have done better? Following what I have managed to do, what are my goals for the following week?
Personal Study: Make sure everything is up to date on Digital Space. Continue with promotion.
– Logic
– Laptop/Phone
– Social Media
816/05/22Release week. The main focus for this week will be the release and promotion of the single.
Tuesday (AM) 1: Promotion
Tuesday (AM) 2: Promotion
Tuesday (PM) 1: Promotion
Tuesday (PM) 2: Promotion
Wednesday: Release the track. Showcase day.
Friday 1: Evaluations
Friday 2: Evaluate what I have achieved within the week. What went well? What could I have done better? Following what I have managed to do, what are my goals for the following week?
Personal Study:
– Laptop/Phone
– Social Media
923/05/22Final project evaluations. I will evaluate how I feel the project went as a whole, what I did best and what I could have improved on. Complete self-assessment and prepare project for submission.
Tuesday (AM): Evaluations
Tuesday (PM): Evaluations
Wednesday: Final Evaluations
Personal Study: