Project 3: Reflections

Monday 2nd January 2023:

On Monday 2nd January 2023, I found out that I was in Friends episode 1 group so I received the   I then got in my group and we then had to decide what characters we wanted to play, my group chose my character which was phoebe Buffay but she was a good character to play because I felt like I know how to portray her character, as soon as I went home I  started to watch Friends episode 1 as I have never watched it before. I enjoyed watching it as I got to see how my character is being presented and her physicality. Then the next day I had to rehearse Friends episode 1 with my fellow cast member. I had already  retained all my lines and maintained professional and focused the whole way through the process.  We also got to visit the TV studio in DHB and got told the risk and hazards of what we shouldn’t be doing such as eating/drinking etc. We also got to practice using it. In the session I have used my research effectively by using books from the library to find out relevant information.

TV Studio
This is a photo of me in the TV studio.

On Tuesday 3rd January 2023 we had to try and develop and block our scenes for TV acting assessment by doing this we had to complete a blocking rehearsal considering shots and framing. We also, had to create a storyboard to support our creative journey by doing this we had to plan storyboard to support our scene. Demonstrate a high level of professionalism for the full duration of the rehearsal process and focus so that we know what we are supposed to do.

This is a photo of us planning our storyboard to help support our scene.

On Monday 9th January 2023 we rehearsed and finalised blocking our scene by doing this we rehearsed with our group in B25, we used chairs to create our scene and how it will look like in the Tv studio. We got to perform our scenes in front of the other friends group. We then had a production meeting to familiarise ourselves with the blocking of our scenes. In the production meeting we talked about set, costume, lighting, props, sound,  placements/blocking, cameras and lines.

On Tuesday 17th January 2023 we had to edit our scene as our performance was already done. I have never done editing before so this was a challenge for me but I overcame it and had a go. During the editing process we got to add different sounds that fits our scene. I was professional for the entire process.