Video Editing Reflection

This is the final product from the shooting and editing that’s happened over the course of the project. My intention was to create an interview video to show the entire band but to also have the video for promotional purposes. I decided that it would fit well to use our interview to promote our gig as this is very common with bands who do interviews. In a lot of cases, they are partaking in the interview to promote a tour or album and they usually mention this at the end of the interview, which is what we did. As the footage from the studio we recorded in looked very aged and grainy, I decided to make the entire video black and white to give it a vintage effect and make it look like it had been shot by the same quality cameras.

Some strengths of this video are the introduction. It is a small montage that doesn’t take up too much time and uses a live recording of our band so that people know how we sound. Another strength is the cuts from the different pieces of footage. I found which pieces would be appropriate to have jump cuts and which pieces would be appropriate to have a fading transition, such as going from the introduction to the actual interview.

One weakness of the video is the camera quality. The quality of the camera from the TV studio was very grainy and this is obvious in the footage from the interview. This could be fixed by using higher quality cameras or use the same cameras we used for the intro shots to film the interview. Another weakness is the lack of b roll for the introduction. This is due to shortage of time as we didn’t have long to use the TV studio. In the introduction, there is only footage of myself and Blake playing our instruments, this makes it seem as though we are hogging the video and the rest of the band don’t want to be involved in the video. This is the opposite of the impression I wanted to give for this video as I wanted to show our chemistry within the band and how well we work together. This could be fixed by preparing better and having more time set aside to get a complete b roll of all the members of the band to make it more balanced and seem more inclusive