Sound Design


For our Sound design project we had to capture sounds for a short video. I watched this video a few times to try think of what sounds I could capture using the microphone.

We got the sounds using a microphone. We went around college using objects to make sounds such as books, pens, stairs i managed to get a lot of sounds. We had to be creative with it so i made some noises for it to. We worked in a group of four. All of us contributed with sounds. Everyone was good to work with. We had no issues. Although now that i am looking back at the sounds again i remember they were making noises while we were trying to capture sounds which then lead me to doing more work and editing them out. I produced the most sounds in my group. I then went to a computer and transferred all the sounds to the computer using the SD card.

I used GarageBand to edit my sounds. I first went through each sound clip and analysed them. I then named them so I know what each sound is this process made everything much easier as I could stay organised. I then dragged the video into GarageBand so i can look at the video and the audio at the same time. After i started watching the video to then determine what sound clips I would be using for each part. I zoomed in so I could sync the sound to the clip. So there would be no delay I used some effects on some sounds such as Pitch editing to raise the pitch i also used some distortion to make the audio clip sound more destructive as what was happening on screen was very aggressive and destructive.

I got feedback throughout my editing process from my teacher. He showed me that some of my sound clips weren’t synced then he showed me how to sync it up perfectly by zooming in so you can move it in small increments. He also gave me feedback on a part near the end where the vacuum explodes. He said the audio isn’t aggressive enough for whats happening in the video he then showed me how to distort audio clips. That then matched the visuals and it made the video better.

What i would do differently next time is focus on sounds for robots such mechanical sounds. Id watch the video while looking for sounds so i know what sounds to get. Also I would spend less time looking for sounds because we had so many in the end that we didn’t use. I would also change the sound for the wave in the beginning as it sounds a bit off. I would’ve also liked to use more effects. I just didn’t know where to find them as i use FL Studio and this is my first time using GarageBand.

Overall in my opinion my video has come out great i like the sounds i used. As I think they match the visuals perfectly also some of them are quite funny. Also the sounds we got weren’t that good as we have so many sounds that we didn’t use because it didn’t match the video I would choose to work in the same group as i had fun capturing sounds with them. Even though they made noises in some clips.