
Audio, graphics and film are crucial components in games as these things immerse players into the game. Which keep the players playing for longer. Sound is important as it does many things for games such as if you have a intensive moment happening in a game the audio can intensify it. Giving the player more of an experience (Callighan, 2020). Film is important as games will make advertisements so people can watch trailers. It drives people to buy the game. Ubisoft did this when they made a web series to promote the release of their video game Far Cry 3. The series gained around 500,000 views per episode. (Kaplan, 2020). Graphics are used in games in a smart way. Graphic designers will make the design different colours to suit the mood Games with orange and red hue can feel warm and threatening.(disruptedlogic, 2020)


Callighan, E., 2020. Eight Essential Ways To Use Sound In Video Games. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 December 2020].

Kaplan, 2020. Why Content Marketing Is Important For The Gaming Industry | New Age Digital Marketing. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 December 2020].

disruptedlogic, 2020. The Psychology Of Color For Game Development – Disrupted Logic. [online] Available at: <,a%20heightened%20sense%20of%20drama.> [Accessed 10 December 2020].

Game Idea

My 2D game is a vertical scroller similar to Poodle Jump (Peaksel, 2020) My character is a robot. There is a gas chasing you while you dodge obstacles that come towards you. You collect coins, the more you collect the higher score you get. some obstacles require you to shoot them to open up the road. Each level becomes harder by increases speed and increasing the amount of obstacles. The background will be black as I want to go for a space theme. To manage my time I will work on this game an hour a day. That will be 7 hours a week


To make my assets I can use photoshop. I have created my main character out of truck parts and have combined parts to make a robot looking figure.


Peaksel, 2020. ‎Poodle Jump. [online] App Store. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 December 2020].