Compostion 2: Practical Skills

For this composition, we began by having a band meeting and planning out a lot of our song before we even began trying to play it, this meant that we could have a much more structured rehearsal and composing schedule.

We then started by creating rhythms for each instrument that was playing chords and not melodies, this meant that for band members, like me, that didn’t base their instrument’s parts off of rhythm, we had something to base our parts off of.

After this, we had our drum player create a drum beat, for each section, that he felt was appropriate. This meant that the majority of the rhythm was now dealt with and we could move onto creating melodies.

Now that there was a drum part, we decided that the best thing to do was to create a bass part and a guitar part, I personally took a lot of inspiration from ‘Do I Wanna Know’, one of the songs I researched. Honestly, I essentially ripped off the first part of their riff for the first part of my riff, as I felt it really fitted well and was a great way to bring in the rest of the band in the beginning of the song. The rest of the riff i based off of what chords were being played when i finished each section of my riff as I felt it sounded much better landing on a route note for the chord that was being played at the time, or a relative major or minor for that chord.

The final part of our song was the vocal melodies and lyrics. The melodies were largely based off of my riff to begin with, this meant that there was a link between the instruments and the vocals, which we all felt sounded very good.

The last thing we did was continue rehearsing and polishing off the way our song sounded until the gig at ‘The Underground’. We did this to make sure that our song sounded as good as we could get it to do for the gig, so we could showcase our compositional skills as much as we could.