When it comes to UK Bass, most artists follow a very similar trend when it comes to they way they present themselves. Their logos, clothing, social media, etcetera. This trend is easy to see when you look at several artists at the same time, so using the same examples I used when looking at the difference in the energy levels between different artists and their tracks, lets look at how similar they are.
Is it just me can anyone see how similar these are? They all have similar, if not the same text, and nothing much more. Granted they are all different in their own way, for example Cajama added a splash of colour to his, that shakes things up a bit. (Not really lets be honest)
When it comes to they way they all dress, there’s not much of a difference again, they all wear tracksuits or hoodies and jeans or a shirt and jeans, sometimes with a cap on. All from similar brands, usually because they’re all sponsored by the same clothing lines, which doesn’t give them much wiggle room for clothing style.
As you can probably guess, this trend goes on all the way down to even the smallest things, they all use Pioneer Nexus 2000 CDJ set ups because theyre all sponsored by Pioneer, and that’s their flagship set up, a lot of them wear Adidas trainers, because they’re sponsored by Adidas. And because all the biggest artist represent themselves like this, all the smaller artists are the same, it makes the UK Bass scene so hard to stand out in as well, there’s hundreds of artists trying to make it unless I can stick to these common trends, whilst still managing to stand out, then I’ve got no chance.