During this project,as well as setting up a studio in order to record a band we were also required to record a song in a band so as to make it possible for others to record.
In this project we were assigned the song Kids by MGMT. In our band I was on the drum kit and it was quite an interesting and fun experience to soundcheck as well as set up with the studio engineers. This task gave a relative insight into recording as a band in a professional environment, however I imagine it would be slightly different when recording in a professional studio as the equipment would be to a much higher standard and the band probably wouldn’t all record in the same room at once.
When setting up there were no initial problems, however we had to perform a few sound checks in order for the sound engineers to set the correct levels. One issue we ran into was that the bass guitar microphone stand was positioned incorrectly and therefore this was adjusted relatively quickly.
When recording we did 3 takes on the track so as to get the best version and allow the producers to pick the one they’d like to mix most.