
Strengths and Skills

To start of this project I made a mind map of the strengths and skills I felt that I was currently using and refining on the course. Below is the mind map that I made.

The purpose of this exercise was to outline the key skills that I had learned and to understand how they could be transferred to further stages of music education and work as well as other industries and fields.

After completing this exercise I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the areas that I  felt I was lacking experience in were full of examples of work that I had done very recently, it also served to show me the areas of which I could improve in the future.

Professional Development

After almost a year and a half of this course, I have become committed to trying to make a career as a professional musician. Music spans a huge amount of potential professions and I decided to use this project to look at the best route so as to maximise this potential.

On the surface there are 2 potential options of things to do after the college course, these are a higher education course or going into work. Although University has always been the option I thought that I would take after leaving school or college, I am unsure whether this would be the best path to take straight away or if I should take a year out and get some good work experience as well as refine my musicianship skills. Who knows, I might never go to University and instead find the best path through working. No one knows what will happen in the future however it’s good to have a rough plan.

Community Workshops

Community music projects are something that I have been interested in for a while and I can’t wait to undertake this project. Throughout this assignment I will hopefully be able to look at and understand the different ways in which music is used within our community and how things are changing. There are so many different areas to explore and skills to learn for future projects. Hopefully it will give me some good experience into group presentation as well as leading a workshop. These skills could give me a really good insight into what teaching music could be like.


Performing music is something that I have concentrated a lot of my efforts on over the past year. Although I have developed a huge amount as a performing musician , there are always ways that I can improve. I am looking forward to researching a range of styles and techniques in this project. The music business is extremely competitive and therefore you should always look at ways to grow and at potential new paths. Therefore hopefully by setting myself some challenging objectives I will be able to further develop my skills in this field.