
Summary of the Project

Overall I felt that I achieved a huge amount of progress in this project. I managed to run a successful community workshop, played pieces of challenging music to a high standard and applied to some of the top music institutions in the country as well as having the opportunity to perform at a brilliant event in Birmingham. A few areas where I could improve upon are my skills to plan ahead as I could have come up with a more detailed plan which would have allowed me to manage my time better. In the end I didn’t complete my CV which was a little disappointing however I think I did well for the amount of work I needed to complete as it was quite an overwhelming few weeks with so much going on. I did make a start on my CV and I will look to complete this as soon as possible.I put a huge amount of work and graft into this project and I don’t believe I could have given it a better go. I am therefore looking forward to taking the skills I have learnt in this project forward into future projects and to higher education or work.