VIVA – project 1

Level 2/3 Diploma in Performing and Production Arts – (MMU) Project 1

VIVA Questions
Name: Parveen Akhtar

Date: 31.10.2022

What skills do you feel that you have developed through this project?

I have gained skills of working as a part of team and on my own, got to use different products to create the look. Mood boards helped me understand and plan my looks better.

Please identify your key strengths of the overall project?

Feel confidant of what to do and who to approach for assistance, got to familiarise with special makeup effects/products which I have never used before.

Please identify your key weaknesses of the overall project?

Digital space I found it difficult to use and where/ how to upload my work. Not great at blending as much as the shades should be blended. Not familiar with many products such as high/full coverage foundations and how to set good full coverage base etc.

How effectively did you manage the skill building process?

Practicing make up on each other and actors gave me confidence as a team work and build skills to applying and blending different products. I feel I can take the challenge now to work with minimal supervision.

Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported your assessment process?

Youtube and google are the main sources that has helped me to research for my project 1. Visiting Bradford Police museum also gave some ideas about the characters and what sort of look I can produce.

How effectively did you apply the research?

Research helped me create mood-boards and search information about Victorian times on google and youtube. It gave me ideas of how the character can look like.

What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on to the next step of your own personal development?

I’m kind of familiarised with how to use digital space to produce and upload my project. I have gained skills to use special effects products, and this will help me to produce my final look one step further from the practices I have done.

What have you learnt from this experience that you will apply in your future progression route?

As I didn’t know much about the digital space and mood boards, now I feel a lot confident of how to create the look and what can keep me focused on my project, I will try to always create a mood board to plan my looks.

What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you started the course?

Use of Digital space was very new to me, didn’t have clue of what to do, and didn’t know anything about the special effects products before starting this course. now feel much confident.

If you were to do the project again what would you do differently?

With it being my first project, not sure if I could have done it differently, but my research on characters look could have been more realistic, wasn’t sure if I could apply my own effects to the look until towards the end, I wanted to get the dress matching to the dirty look which I feel looked little mismatch.

Did you enjoy the process?

Yes, I have really enjoyed doing the Skills building/Halloween project. All the practice and demos gave me confidence of how to use different products not only makeup but hair too.