The process so far
Week 1 –
How is the project going so far?
the induction week went really well. I got to know most of the staff and the students. I had inside most course connected rooms and staff tour with the tutor, and went around in a group to find out about the out door buildings, this was as a part of getting to know each other . Got information about the course and times table. with Sara we in a group did fears and hopes a sticky note paper, which most of us had simpler thoughts.
What did I learn?
Got to know the staff, most students and the content of the course and time table.
What could I have done better?
This is my first week and was mainly about introduction of everything. I am still trying to sink in the information that is give, though I could have take more notes as reminder.
What are my long term implications?
I like to build up good team work with other student and be able to ask for help from others to understand better of anything I miss or don’t understand, so I can achieve what is required on the project.
Week 2 –
What did I learn?
I got to create the mood board of my self and introduced my family, my interests hobbies etc. in the class. I also got to know about my class tutor Sara and all student’s back ground of their life outside the course.
Looked at the skin theory, basic information on the layers of the skin and had little test to recognise the names of the skin layers.
Got to learn about how to make an email and password to sign up to teams, Bradford College app, outlook and Digital space.
I met my model today, she is called Rose Daster, on whom I was supposed to carry out the skin patch test, but as Rose told me that she is allergic to latex, I checked with my tutor Luci and left the patch test blank and see how we go with the products in future. We really struggled to skin match the foundation on Roses face and neck, the colours we had were either too dark or too light regardless of how much we mixed and matched different shades, the closest colour tone which was not so exact but agreed on medium beige-ish tone. We exchanged email address and contact number so we can discus on the project in he coming weeks.
What went well?
I managed to sign up most of the apps and set up digital space page. Meeting with my model and getting to know about her went really well.
What could I have done better?
I wanted to know more about my model face to face on the first meeting, as she will be away for few weeks on her project.
What are the long term implications?
Getting to work know my model and practice on the look of Victorian girl named ‘Breth’ who stole milk, has been reported seen sat in one of the cells of old Bradford police station museum. try to get as much information about the character as possible so we can together create a good look for the final day.
Week 3
What did I learn?
This week we looked at the colour wheel for the skin match foundation and creat looks on each other to practice how the colours work on our skin snd how to closely match the base.
we also did hair structure, created basic business card design ideas and experimented colour wheel and water based pants to creat ghostly looks on each other , Also had a task to create own eye make up look of our choice, this was good fun and great experience.
What went well?
Everyone worked so well as a team, Mixing colours and applying make up was good fun. creating own eye makeup look was really good learning skill.
What I could have done better?
take more notes about the products names that created ghostly looks. also could do with more blending techniques on eye makeup application.
What are the long term implications?
Improving on using and blending of water based products. and be more creative with colours.
Week 4
What did I learn?
This weeks tasks were to create a dead tired look, using different products and what are some of the reasons to feel or look that way. Jazmin was excellent with demo and giving us lots of ideas and helping individually to all while we were carrying out the task.
Another task was given by Luci, to create insta-glam- Spider diagram poster/ face chart to show whom we’re inspired by and why? She showed as many different mood board examples to get ideas. It could have been the project 1, or any glam poster. I chose Mazyona -Artist on Instagram. this has given me better understanding on how to create one for the project 1.
also practiced the look on model
What went well?
Creating the poster was great experience, and the look created by inspiration went really well. got some good feedback by Luci and Alisa.
What I could have done better?
Pay more attention to blending and eye liner.
What are the long term implications?
Get more creative and be patient when blending colours.
Week 5
What did I learn?
Had Bradford Police Museum group tour with Sarah.
What went well?
I was not sure if I could walk to the Museum and back to College due to my health condition, but it was not as bad as I thought. Managed to find out about the history about the museum and its purpose. got many pictures.
Also did hair do, curling by using the small curlers, applied hair protective spray before using the heat curlers. after curling full head, I applied smoothing balm all over the hair using my hands, comb down and applied hair serum for shine and settle all fly way hair.
What I could have done better?
I could have taken my note book to note down some information about the characters at the Museum. I also could have used medium size hair tongues for softer curls.
What are the long term implications?
Practice more on hair hair styles and create hair updos.
Looking forward for the performance day on 29th October 2022, when I get to do the make over of my model as a ghost girl of Victorian girl and see her performing the court room fit the visitors audience!
week 6