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My 3 chosen looks mood boards

Stimulus Expression- Health, Insta Glam- Asian Bridal, and Theater Musical- Rapunzel

Health – Drugs addict and its effects

Drugs effect skin badly , it makes your skin look dull, tired, wrinkly, you get eye heavy bags, all of your skin looks very dry and pale, your hair thins out and look very dry and dull.

drug addictive person needs serious medical treatment, it needs the right medical department to treat it. It needs regular follow up supervision from medical expert to make sure the treatment is working and that the person does not go back on drugs again.

What is the first definition of health?

Today, three types of definition of health seem to be possible and are used. The first is that health is the absence of any disease or impairment. The second is that health is a state that allows the individual to adequately cope with all demands of daily life (implying also the absence of disease and impairment).

The general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health. soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment: to have one’s health; to lose one’s health.

What is Good Health

The word health refers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being. Healthcare exists to help people maintain this optimal state of health.

Good health is central to handling stress and living a longer, more active life. In this article, we explain the meaning of good health, the types of health a person needs to consider, and how to preserve good health.

What is Health

In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO)Trusted Source defined health with a phrase that modern authorities still apply.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

In 1986, the WHOTrusted Source made further clarifications:

“A resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.”

This means that health is a resource to support an individual’s function in wider society, rather than an end in itself. A healthful lifestyle provides the means to lead a full life with meaning and purpose.

In 2009, researchers publishing inThe LancetTrusted Source defined health as the ability of a body to adapt to new threats and infirmities.

They base this definition on the idea that the past few decades have seen modern science take significant strides in the awareness of diseases by understanding how they work, discovering new ways to slow or stop them, and acknowledging that an absence of pathology may not be possible.


Mental and physical health are probably the two most frequently discussed types of health.

Spiritual, emotional, and financial health also contribute to overall health. Medical experts have linked these to lower stress levels and improved mental and physical well-being.

People with better financial health, for example, may worry less about finances and have the means to buy fresh food more regularly. Those with good spiritual health may feel a sense of calm and purpose that fuels good mental health.

Health inequities affect all of us differently. Visit our dedicated hub for an in-depth look at social disparities in health and what we can do to correct them.

Physical health

A person who has good physical health is likely to have bodily functions and processes working at their peak.

This is not only due not only to an absence of disease. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest all contribute to good health. People receive medical treatment to maintain the balance, when necessary.

Physical well-being involves pursuing a healthful lifestyle to decrease the risk of disease. Maintaining physical fitness, for example, can protect and develop the endurance of a person’s breathing and heart function, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition.

Looking after physical health and well-being also involves reducing the risk of an injury or health issue, such as:

  • minimizing hazards in the workplace
  • using contraception when having sex
  • practicing effective hygiene
  • avoiding the use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs
  • taking the recommended vaccines for a specific condition or country when traveling

Good physical health can work in tandem with mental health to improve a person’s overall quality of life.

For example, mental illness, such as depression, may increase the risk of drug use disorders, according to a 2008 studyTrusted Source. This can go on to adversely affect physical health.

Mental health

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services,Trusted Source mental health refers to a person’s emotional, social, and psychological well-being. Mental health is as important as physical health as part of a full, active lifestyle.

It is harder to define mental health than physical health because many psychological diagnoses depend on an individual’s perception of their experience.

With improvements in testing, however, doctors are now able to identify some physical signs of some types of mental illness in CT scans and genetic tests.

Good mental health is not only categorized by the absence of depressionanxiety, or another disorder. It also depends on a person’s ability to:

  • enjoy life
  • bounce back after difficult experiences and adapt to adversity
  • balance different elements of life, such as family and finances
  • feel safe and secure
  • achieve their full potential

Physical and mental health have strong connections. For example, if a chronic illness affects a person’s ability to complete their regular tasks, it may lead to depression and stress. These feelings could be due to financial problems or mobility issues.

A mental illness, such as depression or anorexia, can affect body weight and overall function.

It is important to approach “health” as a whole, rather than as a series of separate factors. All types of health are linked, and people should aim for overall well-being and balance as the keys to good health.

Find out how mental health can affect physical health here.

Factors for good health

Good health depends on a wide range of factors.

Genetic factors

A person is born with a variety of genes. In some people, an unusual genetic pattern or change can lead to a less-than-optimum level of health. People may inherit genes from their parents that increase their risk for certain health conditions.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors play a role in health. Sometimes, the environment alone is enough to impact health. Other times, an environmental trigger can cause illness in a person who has an increased genetic risk of a particular disease.

Access to healthcare plays a role, but the WHO suggest that the following factors may have a more significant impact on health than this:

  • where a person lives
  • the state of the surrounding environment
  • genetics
  • their income
  • their level of education
  • employment status

It is possible to categorize these as follows:

  • The social and economic environment: This may include the financial status of a family or community, as well as the social culture and quality of relationships.
  • The physical environment: This includes which germs exist in an area, as well as pollution levels.
  • A person’s characteristics and behaviors: A person’s genetic makeup and lifestyle choices can affect their overall health.

According to some studies, the higher a person’s socioeconomic status (SES), the more likelyTrusted Source they are to enjoy good health, have a good education, get a well-paid job, and afford good healthcare in times of illness or injury.

They also maintain that people with low socioeconomic status are more likely to experience stress due to daily living, such as financial difficulties, marital disruption, and unemployment.

Social factors may also impact on the risk of poor health for people with lower SES, such as marginalization and discrimination.

A low SES often means reduced access to healthcare. A 2018 study in Frontiers in PharmacologyTrusted Source indicated that people in developed countries with universal healthcare services have longer life expectancies than those in developed countries without universal healthcare.

Cultural issues can affect health. The traditions and customs of a society and a family’s response to them can have a good or bad impact on health.

According to the Seven Countries Study, researchers studied people in select European countries and found that those who ate a healthful diet had a lower 20-year death rate.

The study indicated that people who ate a healthful diet are more likely to consume high levels of fruits, vegetables, and olives than people who regularly consume fast food.

The study also found that people who followed the Mediterranean diet had a lower 10-year all-cause mortality rate. According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthTrusted Source, this diet can help protect a person’s heart and reduce the risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetescancer, and diseases that cause the brain and nerves to break down.

How a person manages stress will also affect their health. According to the National Institute of Mental HealthTrusted Source, people who smoke tobacco, drink alcohol, or take illicit drugs to manage stressful situations are more likely to develop health problems than those who manage stress through a healthful diet, relaxation techniques, and exercise.

how some drugs effect physically and emotionally

Heroin Drug Facts

What is heroin?

Heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia. Heroin can be a white or brown powder, or a black sticky substance known as black tar heroin.

How do people use heroin?

People inject, sniff, snort, or smoke heroin. Some people mix heroin with crack cocaine, a practice called speedballing.

What are the effects of heroin?

Heroin enters the brain rapidly and binds to opioid receptors on cells located in many areas, especially those involved in feelings of pain and pleasure and in controlling heart rate, sleeping, and breathing.

Prescription Opioids and Heroin

Prescription opioid pain medicines such as OxyContin® and Vicodin® have effects similar to heroin. Research suggests that misuse of these drugs may open the door to heroin use. Data from 2011 showed that an estimated 4 to 6 percent who misuse prescription opioids switch to heroin1-3 and about 80 percent of people who used heroin first misused prescription opioids.1-3 More recent data suggest that heroin is frequently the first opioid people use. In a study of those entering treatment for opioid use disorder, approximately one-third reported heroin as the first opioid they used regularly to get high.4

This suggests that prescription opioid misuse is just one factor leading to heroin use.

Is heroin addictive?

Heroin is highly addictive. People who regularly use heroin often develop a tolerance, which means that they need higher and/or more frequent doses of the drug to get the desired effects. A substance use disorder (SUD) is when continued use of the drug causes issues, such as health problems and failure to meet responsibilities at work, school, or home. An SUD can range from mild to severe, the most severe form being addiction.

Those who are addicted to heroin and stop using the drug abruptly may have severe withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms—which can begin as early as a few hours after the drug was last taken—include:

  • restlessness
  • severe muscle and bone pain
  • sleep problems
  • diarrhea and vomiting
  • cold flashes with goose bumps (“cold turkey”)
  • uncontrollable leg movements (“kicking the habit”)
  • severe heroin cravings

Researchers are studying the long-term effects of opioid addiction on the brain. Studies have shown some loss of the brain’s white matter associated with heroin use, which may affect decision-making, behavior control, and responses to stressful situations.6–8

How is heroin addiction treated?

A range of treatments including medicines and behavioral therapies are effective in helping people stop heroin use. It’s important to match the best treatment approach to meet the particular needs of each individual patient.

There are medicines being developed to help with the withdrawal process. The FDA approved lofexidine, a non-opioid medicine designed to reduce opioid withdrawal symptoms.

Medications for opioid use disorders – including heroin use disorder – are safe, effective, and save lives. These medicines interact with the same opioid receptors in the brain on which heroin acts, but they do not produce the same effects.

  • Methadone, an opioid receptor full agonist, attaches to and activates opioid receptors to ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
  • Buprenorphine, an opioid receptor partial agonist, attaches to and partially activates opioid receptors to ease withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
  • Naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist, prevents heroin from attaching to opioid receptors, thus blocking its effects.

Learn more about medications for opioid overdose, withdrawal and addiction.

Behavioral therapies for heroin addiction include methods called cognitive-behavioral therapy and contingency management. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps modify the patient’s drug-use expectations and behaviors, and helps effectively manage triggers and stress. Contingency management provides motivational incentives, such as vouchers or small cash rewards for positive behaviors such as staying drug-free. These behavioral treatment approaches are especially effective when used along with medicines.

What are the long-term effects of cocaine use?

With repeated exposure to cocaine, the brain starts to adapt so that the reward pathway becomes less sensitive to natural reinforcers10,18 (see “What Are Some Ways that Cocaine Changes the Brain?“). At the same time, circuits involved in stress become increasingly sensitive, leading to increased displeasure and negative moods when not taking the drug, which are signs of withdrawal. These combined effects make the user more likely to focus on seeking the drug instead of relationships, food, or other natural rewards.

With regular use, tolerance may develop so that higher doses, more frequent use of cocaine, or both are needed to produce the same level of pleasure and relief from withdrawal experienced initially.10,18 At the same time, users can also develop sensitization, in which less cocaine is needed to produce anxiety, convulsions, or other toxic effects.7 Tolerance to cocaine reward and sensitization to cocaine toxicity can increase the risk of overdose in a regular user.

Users take cocaine in binges, in which cocaine is used repeatedly and at increasingly higher doses. This can lead to increased irritability, restlessness, panic attacks, paranoia, and even a full-blown psychosis, in which the individual loses touch with reality and experiences auditory hallucinations.2 With increasing doses or higher frequency of use, the risk of adverse psychological or physiological effects increases.2,7 Animal research suggests that binging on cocaine during adolescence enhances sensitivity to the rewarding effects of cocaine and MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly).19 Thus, binge use of cocaine during adolescence may further increase vulnerability to continued use of the drug among some people.

Specific routes of cocaine administration can produce their own adverse effects. Regularly snorting cocaine can lead to loss of sense of smell, nosebleeds, problems with swallowing, hoarseness, and an overall irritation of the nasal septum leading to a chronically inflamed, runny nose.15 Smoking crack cocaine damages the lungs and can worsen asthma.2,3 People who inject cocaine have puncture marks called tracks, most commonly in their forearms,7 and they are at risk of contracting infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis C (see “Why Are Cocaine Users at Risk for Contracting HIV and Hepatitis?“). They also may experience allergic reactions, either to the drug itself or to additives in cocaine, which in severe cases can result in death.

Cocaine damages many other organs in the body. It reduces blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to tears and ulcerations.7 Many chronic cocaine users lose their appetite and experience significant weight loss and malnourishment. Cocaine has significant and well-recognized toxic effects on the heart and cardiovascular system.7,16,20 Chest pain that feels like a heart attack is common and sends many cocaine users to the emergency room.7,20 Cocaine use is linked with increased risk of stroke,16 as well as inflammation of the heart muscle, deterioration of the ability of the heart to contract, and aortic ruptures.20

In addition to the increased risk for stroke and seizures, other neurological problems can occur with long-term cocaine use.7,18 There have been reports of intracerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding within the brain, and balloon-like bulges in the walls of cerebral blood vessels.7,18 Movement disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, may also occur after many years of cocaine use.7 Generally, studies suggest that a wide range of cognitive functions are impaired with long-term cocaine use—such as sustaining attention, impulse inhibition, memory, making decisions involving rewards or punishments, and performing motor tasks.14

Former cocaine users are at high risk for relapse, even following long periods of abstinence. Research indicates that during periods of abstinence, the memory of the cocaine experience or exposure to cues associated with drug use can trigger strong cravings, which can lead to relapse.

Mood Board Traditional Asian Bridal

A traditional Asian Bride has heavily embellished lehenga, dress or saree, with embroided silk and gold work. Her jewellery stands equal in competition with her bridal outfit and is extremely heavy.

The Asian bridal look is a gorgeous hair and makeup of the bride that compliments her cultural look

The traditional makeup and jewellery is essential part of the cultural bride look, and colour of brides dress is also popular and traditional – Red to wear for the big day.

Makeup of the bride is heavily, so the camera can pick it up otherwise the bride will look washed out in the photos, makeup is heavier also to take in account the makeup needs to look flowless as the ceremony goes on for a long time, e.g diner, dance and pictures, if the bride has light makeup application, it will not last long and she will have to keep retouching through out the day.

What does an Asian wedding consist of?

The whole wedding lasts about three days, with pre-wedding rituals like ‘mehndi’, where the bride and her female family members and friends have their hands and feet henna-ed, and ‘sangeet’, a sort of mini reception where the bride’s and groom’s families come together for the first time with dancing, singing and food, …

Traditional Red – colour of Asian Bridal dress

So Many Events! The Culture Of Pakistani Marriage

For those attending a typical Pakistani wedding, you might want to have a few outfits ready (and a few backups) because once a marriage is confirmed, the super long list of events that are planned out sometimes even years in advance for guests and family members to attend can take up to a month!

Some of the most common events that are held in a typical Pakistani marriage include variations of the following: Marriage Proposal, Engagement, Dholki, Mehndi (Henna), Barat, Nikah, Registration, Reception, Rukhsati (Farewell) and Valima (Walima). The only Islamic events are the Nikah and Valima, and registration is usually a legal requirement, however the remaining events are cultural additions which each have their own rituals, symbols and meanings. 

The marriage starts off with the proposal, which is usually followed by a proposal party at the bride’s house. This is when the groom’s parents and elder family members formally ask the bride’s parents for her hand in marriage. Once the proposal is accepted, tea and refreshments are served, and depending on the types of families involved, gifts and jewelry may also be presented to the bride from the groom’s side of the family. 

Next, a small yet formal engagement takes place which marks the engagement of the couple. In the presence of close family members, rings and gifts are exchanged between both families. Finally, prayers and blessings are recited and the wedding date is finalized. 

The Dholki is a celebration that inherits its name from the percussion instrument, Dholak, which is a large part of this event. Singing and dancing in happiness and joy for the marriage is usually what the Dholki is all about, as it features family members, relatives and friends. Many Dholki events are held by friends weeks or even months before the actual wedding.

The Dholki is also sometimes combined with the Mehndi or Henna ceremony. In this event, henna is symbolically placed on both the bride and groom’s hand, and both families bring beautifully decorated gifts for the bride and the groom. The bride usually wears bright and vivid colors such as green, yellow or orange, with light or no makeup, and the groom wears a typical Shalwar Qameez. The bride and groom are ushered under a decorative duppatta by close relatives. Singing, dancing and musical performances continue as sweets or fruits are fed to the bride and groom.  

Before the actual wedding can take place, the Nikkah ceremony must be completed, as it is the official Islamic wedding ceremony where a marriage contract is signed by the bride and groom in the presence of close family members and relatives. Without the Nikkah, the wedding is considered illegal, thus it is considered the heart of the marriage.  

The Baraat is the procession of the groom’s close family members, relatives and close friends that accompany the groom to the bride’s house (or where the wedding is taking place). The groom is welcomed and greeted by the bride’s family with garlands, flower petals and music. The bride usually wears a red sharara, lehenga or Shalwar Qameez, which is heavily embroidered and accompanied with gold jewelery. A few speeches are made from the bride’s close family members, such as her parents and her siblings, and a cake is usually cut. Following this, an elaborate dinner is served with a variety of traditional dishes including biryani, kabobs, chicken tikkah, naan and mixed vegetables. Marriage portraits are taken, and families are called up to the stage to take pictures with the newly married couple. After this, the Rukhsati will typically take place. This event is usually sombre and very emotional for the bride’s family as it marks the farewell or departure of the bride to start her new married life.

The final event is the Valima (Walima), which intends to publicize the marriage and showcase the bride and groom as an officially married couple. The Valima is usually organized by the groom’s family, and without his parent’s presence, the ritual cannot usually be performed, because it is the groom’s parents that invites all of the bride’s family and relatives for a feast. The bride wears a festive, yet heavily decorated dress and jewelry which she receives from the groom’s family, and the groom usually opts for a suit. The bride and groom usually receive cash from the guests as family portraits are taken. 

Pakistani marriage traditions and culture may seem to be very extravagant and repetitive, but this is what makes it so unique and enjoyable for all guests attending!

Bridal – Kashee,s Brides have amazing hair styles, which not everyone can create easily. so his hair and makeup is my inspiration

my Insta-Glam inspiration – Shazma Mua

ShazmaMua@shazmamua131K subscribers212 videosLearn how to create stunning Bridal Hair & Makeup! Full tutorials covering different aspects of makeup & hair including flawless base, different eye looks, how to use hair padding etc etc. Everything you need to create beautiful brides!

DescriptionLearn how to create stunning Bridal Hair & Makeup! Full tutorials covering different aspects of makeup & hair including flawless base, different eye looks, how to use hair padding etc etc. Everything you need to create beautiful brides!Details

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Shazma Mua Is from Birmingham, she has been mobile makeup artist for many years, she also Teaches one to one and lengthy period courses around UK. She create step by step – on line Tutorials (youtube and Instagram channels) free courses for bridal and party hair and Makeup. I

Musical Theatre – Rapunzel

My first Character whom I get assessed on – Rapunzel character actor is – Skye Sinclair

and the Character is very Ditzy and Drugged into forgetting who she is and what her story is. She spends most of her time cooped up behind a desk, much like her original story locked up in a tower. She has a huge long braid that will be made of wool and attached to a scrunchie for ease of removal, as it gets cut of by her mother later in the play.

Second Character I will do is Snow White – Played by Sophie O’Neill

She is shy but strong, In the modern interpretation she is a dingy night club owner who uses the seven dwarves as her body guards. Early 1920’s Era.

What is Rapunzel true story?

The story of “Rapunzel” is based on the tragic life of Saint Barbara, who is thought to have lived in the third century.

The true story of Rapunzel is thought to be about a young woman in Italy named Barbara who was so beautiful that her father locked her away in a tower so no men could get to her. Though many asked for her hand in marriage, Barbara dedicated herself to God and a newfound Christian faith, and refused them all.

Her father, however, was a pagan, and not pleased about her Christianity. The story goes that when she prayed for help when he drew his sword on her, God created a hole in the tower for her to escape. Unfortunately, she was soon discovered, and eventually beheaded by her father — who was then struck by lightning.

Rapunzel is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 50th animated feature film Tangled. Wikipedia

Film: Tangled

Prince: Flynn Rider

Animal companions: Pascal (chameleon)

Friends: Flynn RiderStabbington Brother #1Stabbington Brother #2PascalMaximusLittle Girl

Foes: Mother Gothel

Parents: Mother GothelQueen AriannaKing FredericThe KingThe Queen

Palace pets: DaisySundropBlondieMeadowSummerGleam

Rapunzel’s hair also symbolizes imprisonment. Because she has such long hair, Gothel can hide her away in a place with only one entrance (the hair). The cutting of her hair does not immediately represent freedom; it represents near-certain death, as she is sent into a world she knows nothing about.14 Dec 2021

Rapunzel dress


53 languages


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the traditional fairy tale. For the Disney character, see Rapunzel (Tangled). For other uses, see Rapunzel (disambiguation).

“Dame Gothel” redirects here. For other uses, see Gothel (disambiguation).

Illustration of Rapunzel and the witch on a 1978 East German stamp
Folk tale
Aarne–Thompson groupingATU 310 (The Maiden in the Tower)
Published inGrimms’ Fairy Tales

Rapunzel” (/rəˈpʌnzəl/ rə-PUN-zəlGerman: [ʁaˈpʊntsl̩] (listen)) FrenchPersinette) ; is a European fairy tale most notably recorded by the Brothers Grimm and published in 1812 as part of Children’s and Household Tales (KHM 12). The Brothers Grimm’s story was developed from the French literary fairy tale of Persinette by Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force (1698).[1][2]

The tale is classified as Aarne–Thompson type 310 (“The Maiden in The Tower”).[3] Its plot has been used and parodied in various media. Its best known line is, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair”.


Illustration by Johnny Gruelle

Illustration by Paul Hey, created around 1910

A lonely couple, who long for a child, live next to a large, extensive, high-walled subsistence garden, belonging to a sorceress.[a] The wife, experiencing pregnancy cravings, longs for the rapunzel that she sees growing in the garden (rapunzel is either the salad green and root vegetable Campanula rapunculus, or the salad green Valerianella locusta).[4] She refuses to eat anything else and begins to waste away. Her husband fears for her life and one night he breaks into the garden to get some for her. When he returns, she makes a salad out of it and eats it, but she longs for more so her husband returns to the garden to retrieve some more. As he scales the wall to return home, the sorceress catches him and accuses him of theft. He begs for mercy and she agrees to be lenient, allowing him to take all the rapunzel he wants on condition that the baby be given to her when it’s born.[b] Desperate, he agrees.

When the wife has a baby girl, the sorceress takes her to raise as her own and names her “Rapunzel” after the plant her mother craved (in one version, her parents move away before she’s born in an attempt to avoid surrendering her, only for the sorceress to turn up at their door upon her birth, unhampered by their attempt at relocation). She grows up to be a beautiful child with long golden hair.[c] When she turns twelve, the sorceress locks her up in a tower in the middle of the woods, with neither stairs nor a door, and only one room and one window.[d] In order to visit her, the sorceress stands at the bottom of the tower and calls out:Rapunzel!Rapunzel!Let down your hairThat I may climb thy golden stair![e]

Jacob Grimm ostensibly believed that the strong alliteration of the rhyme indicated that it was a survival of the ancient form of Germanic poetry known as Stabreim, but in actuality, it was his liberal adaption of Schulz’s direct German translation of Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force‘s older French version Persinette, Persinette, descendez vos cheveux que je monte[10]

One day, a prince rides through the forest and hears Rapunzel singing from the tower. Entranced by her ethereal voice, he searches for her and discovers the tower, but is unable to enter it. He returns often, listening to her beautiful singing, and one day sees the sorceress visit her as usual and learns how to gain access. When the sorceress leaves, he bids Rapunzel to let her hair down. When she does so, he climbs up and they fall in love. He eventually asks her to marry him, and she agrees.

Together they plan a means of escape, wherein he will come each night (thus avoiding the sorceress who visits her by day) and bring Rapunzel a piece of silk that she will gradually weave into a ladder. Before the plan can come to fruition, however, she has sexual intercourse with him. In the first edition (1812) of Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Children’s and Household Tales, most commonly known in English as Grimms’ Fairy Tales), she innocently says that her dress is growing tight around her waist, hinting at pregnancy.[11] In later editions, she asks “Dame Gothel”,[f] in a moment of forgetfulness, why it is easier for her to draw up the prince than her.[13] In anger, the sorceress cuts off her hair and casts her out into the wilderness to fend for herself.

When the prince calls that night, the sorceress lets the severed hair down to haul him up. To his horror, he finds himself meeting her instead of Rapunzel, who is nowhere to be found. After she tells him in a rage that he will never see Rapunzel again, he leaps or falls from the tower and lands in a thorn bush. Although it breaks his fall and saves his life, it scratches his eyes and blinds him.

For years, he wanders through the wastelands of the country and eventually comes to the wilderness where Rapunzel now lives with the twins whom she has given birth to, a boy and girl. One day, as she sings, he hears her voice again, and they are reunited. When they fall into each other’s arms, her tears fall into his eyes and immediately restore his sight. He leads her and their twins to his kingdom where they live happily ever after.[g]

Another version of the story ends with the revelation that the sorceress had untied Rapunzel’s hair after the prince leapt from the tower, and it slipped from her hands and landed far below, leaving her trapped in the tower.[15]

Origin and development

Mythological and religious inspiration

Some researchers have proposed that the earliest possible inspiration for the “Maiden in the Tower” archetype is to the pre-Christian European (or proto-Indo-Europeansun or dawn goddess myths, in which the light deity is trapped and is rescued.[16][17] Similar myths include that of the Baltic solar goddessSaulė, who is held captive in a tower by a king.[18] Inspiration may also be taken from the classical myth of the hero, Perseus; Perseus’ mother, the Princess Danaë, was confined to a bronze tower by her own father, Acrisius, the King of Argos, in an attempt to prevent her from becoming pregnant, as it was foretold by the Oracle of Delphi that she would bear a son who would kill his grandfather.

Inspiration may come from Ethniu, daughter of Balor, in Irish myth.

Inspiration may come from the story of Saint Barbara of Nicomedia, who is said to have been a beautiful woman who was confined to a tower by her father to hide her away from suitors.[19] While in the tower, she is said to have converted to Christianity and be ultimately martyred for her faith after a series of miracles delaying her execution.[19][20] Her story was included in The Book of the City of Ladies, completed by 1405 by Christine de Pizan in vernacular French, which may have been highly influential on later writers, as it was popular throughout Europe.[20]

Literary development

The earliest surviving reference to a female character with long hair that she offers to a male lover to climb like a ladder appears in the epic poem Shahnameh by Ferdowsi.[20] The heroine of the story, Rudāba, offers her hair so that her love interest Zāl may enter the harem where she lives. Zāl states instead that she should lower a rope so that she will not hurt herself.[20]

The first written record of a story that may be recognized as Rapunzel is Giambattista Basile’s Petrosinella, translating to parsley, which was published in Naples in the local dialect in 1634 in a collection entitled Lo cunto de li cunti (The Story of Stories).[2] This version of the story differs from later versions as it is the wife not the husband who steals the plant, the maiden is taken by the villain as a child rather than a baby, and the maiden and the prince are not separated for years to be reunited in the end.[2] Most importantly, this version of the story contains a “flight” scene in which Petrosinella uses magic acorns that turn into animals to distract the ogress while she pursues the couple fleeing the tower.[21] This “flight” scene, with three magic objects used as distraction, is found in oral variants in the Mediterranean region, notably Sicily (Angiola), Malta (Little Parsley and Little Fennel), and Greece (Anthousa the Fair with Golden Hair).[21]

In 1697, Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force published a variation of the story, Persinette, while confined to an abbey due to perceived misconduct during service in the court of Louis XIV.[20][22] Before her imprisonment, de la Force was a prominent figure in the Parisian salons and considered one of the early conteuses as a contemporary to Charles Perrault.[20] This version of the story includes almost all elements that were found in later versions by the Grimm Brothers.[21] It is the first version to include the maiden’s out of wedlock pregnancy, the villain’s trickery leading to the prince’s blinding, the birth of twins, and the tears of the maiden restoring the prince’s sight. The tale ends with the antagonist taking pity on the couple and transporting them to the prince’s kingdom.[20] While de la Force’s claim that Persinette was an original story cannot be substantiated, her version was the most complex at the time and did introduce original elements.[22]

German adaptation

The very first known German translation of Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force‘s tale Persinette came about in 1766 by Friedrich Immanuel Bierling under the name “Das Cabinet der Feen. Oder gesammelte Feen-Märchen in neun Theilen, Aus dem Französischen übersetzt“, published in Nürenberg. More famously, Persinette was translated into German by Friedrich Schulz and appeared in 1790 in Kleine Romane (Little Novels), as it was Schulz who changed the plant and the maiden’s name to Rapunzel.[23] Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm included the story in their first (1812) and seventh (1857) edition publications of Children’s and Household Tales and removed elements that they believed were added to the “original” German fairy tale.[21] Although the Grimms’ recounting of the fairy tale is the most prevalent version of the “Maiden in the Tower” in the western literary canon, the story does not appear to have connections to a Germanic oral folktale tradition.[21] Notably, the 1812 publication retains the out of wedlock pregnancy that reveals the prince’s visits to the witch, whereas in the 1857 version edited by Wilhelm Grimm, it is Rapunzel’s slip of the tongue to address criticism that the tale was not appropriate for children.[22] It can be argued that the 1857 version of the story was the first written for a primarily child-aged audience.[22]


According to Greek folklorist Georgios A. Megas, fellow folklorist Michael Meracles concluded that the tale type originated in Southeastern Europe, by analysing 22 Greek variants, 2 Serbo-Croatian and 1 from Corsica.[24]

Scholar Jack Zipes stated that the tale type is “extremely popular throughout Europe”.[25] However, scholar Ton Deker remarked that the tale type is “mainly known” in Central and South Europe, and in the Middle East.[26] In the same vein, Stith Thompson argued for a Mediterranean origin for the story, due to “its great popularity” in Italy and nearby countries.[27]

Scholar Ulrich Marzolph remarked that the tale type AT 310 was one of “the most frequently encountered tales in Arab oral tradition”, albeit missing from The Arabian Nights compilation.[28]

Themes and characterization

Rapunzel in DresdenSaxony, Germany

Many scholars have interpreted “Maiden in the Tower” stories, which Rapunzel is a part of, as a metaphor for the protection of young women from pre-marital relationships by overzealous guardians.[21] Scholars have drawn comparisons of the confinement of Rapunzel in her tower to that of a convent, where women’s lives were highly controlled and they lived in exclusion from outsiders.[2]

Scholars have also noted the strong theme of love conquering all in the story, as the lovers are united after years of searching in all versions after Persinette and are ultimately happily reunited as a family.[29]

The seemingly unfair bargain that the husband makes with the sorceress in the opening of Rapunzel is a common convention in fairy tales, which is replicated in Jack and the Beanstalk when Jack trades a cow for beans or in Beauty and the Beast when Beauty comes to the Beast in return for a rose.[30] Furthermore, folkloric beliefs often regarded it as dangerous to deny a pregnant woman any food she craved, making the bargain with the sorceress more understandable since the husband would have perceived his actions as saving his wife at the cost of his child.[29] Family members would often go to great lengths to secure such cravings and such desires for lettuce and other vegetables may indicate a need for vitamins.[31][32]

The “Maiden in the Tower” archetype has drawn comparisons to a possible lost matriarchal myth connected to the sacred marriage between the prince and the maiden and the rivalry between the maiden, representing life and spring, and the crone, representing death and winter.[20]

Cultural legacy

Literary media

Florence Harrison‘s illustration for Rapunzel in a collection of early poems by William Morris

Andrew Lang included the story in his 1890 publication The Red Fairy Book.[33] Other versions of the tale also appear in A Book of Witches (1965) by Ruth Manning-Sanders and in Paul O. Zelinsky‘s Caldecott Medal-winning picture book, Rapunzel (1997).

Anne Sexton wrote a poem called “Rapunzel” in her collection Transformations (1971), a book in which she re-envisions sixteen of the Grimm’s Fairy tales.[34]

Donna Jo Napoli wrote a critically acclaimed YA novel entitled Zel (1996), retelling the Rapunzel story from three perspectives: the maiden, her mother, and the prince.[35]

Cress is the third book in the Lunar Chronicles, a young adult science fiction series written by Marissa Meyer that is an adaptation of Rapunzel. Crescent, nicknamed “Cress”, is a prisoner on a satellite who is rescued and falls in love with her hero “Captain Thorne” amidst the story about “Cinder” a cyborg version of Cinderella. The Lunar Chronicles is a tetralogy with a futuristic take on classic fairy tales that also includes characters such as “Cinder” (Cinderella), “Scarlet” (Red Riding Hood) and “Winter” (Snow White).

Kate Forsyth has written two books about Rapunzel, one is a fictional retelling of the tale and of the life of Mademoiselle de la Force entitled, Bitter Greens, and her second book was nonfiction describing the development of the tale entitled, The Rebirth of Rapunzel: A Mythic Biography of the Maiden in the Tower.[20] She described it as “a story that reverberates very strongly with any individual – male or female, child or adult – who has found themselves trapped by their circumstances, whether this is caused by the will of another or their own inability to change and grow”.

In Nikita Gill‘s 2018 poetry collection Fierce Fairytales: & Other Stories to Stir Your Soul she has several poems that reference Rapunzel or Rapunzel’s story including Rapunzel’s Note Left for Mother Gothel and Rapunzel, Rapunzel.[36]

In 2019, Simon Hood published a contemporary retelling of Rapunzel.[37] Both the language and the illustrations modernised the story, while the plot itself remained close to traditional versions.

In 2022, Mary McMyne published a standalone adult historical fantasy novel The Book of Gothel, which speculates that the witch’s character was inspired by the life of a medieval midwife named Haelewise, daughter-of-Hedda, who lived in 12th century Germania. The novel is a revisionist backstory for Rapunzel that also connects to elements of Snow WhiteRed Riding Hood, and other tales.[38]

Film media

  • The Story of Rapunzel (1951), a stop-motion animated short directed by Ray Harryhausen.
  • A live action version was filmed for television as part of Shelley Duvall‘s series Faerie Tale Theatre, airing on Showtime. It aired on 5 February 1983. In it, the main character, Rapunzel is taken from her parents by an evil witch, and is brought up in an isolated tower that can only be accessed by climbing her unnaturally long hair. Jeff Bridges played the prince and Rapunzel’s father, Shelley Duvall played Rapunzel and her mother, Gena Rowlands played the witch, and Roddy McDowall narrated.
  • A 1988 German film adaption, Rapunzel oder Der Zauber der Tränen [de] (meaning “Rapunzel or the Magic of Tears”), combines the story with the lesser-known Grimm fairy tale Maid Maleen. After escaping the tower, Rapunzel finds work as a kitchen maid in the prince’s court, where she must contend with an evil princess who aims to marry him.
  • A 1990 straight-to-video animated film adaption by Hanna-Barbera and Hallmark Cards, simply titled Rapunzel[39] featured Olivia Newton-John narrating the story. The major difference between it and the Grimm fairy tale is that instead of making the prince blind, the evil witch transforms him into a bird, possibly a reference to The Blue Bird, a French variant of the story.
  • Into the Woods is a musical combining elements from several classic fairy tales, in which Rapunzel is one of the main characters; it was also filmed for television[40] in 1991 by American Playhouse. The story depicts Rapunzel as the adoptive daughter of the Witch that the Baker (Rapunzel’s older brother, unbeknownst to him. Also the husband of the lonely childless couple.) is getting some items from who is later rescued by a prince. In the second half of the play, Rapunzel is killed by the Giant’s Wife. The Witch then grieves for her and sings, “Witch’s Lament.”
  • film adaptation of Into the Woods by The Walt Disney Company was released late in 2014[41] where Rapunzel is portrayed by Mackenzie Mauzy. The difference from the play is that Rapunzel is not killed by the Giant’s Wife (Frances de la Tour). Instead, she rides off into the woods with her Prince (Billy Magnussen) in order to distance herself from the Witch who raised her.
  • In Barbie as Rapunzel (2002), Rapunzel was raised by the evil witch Gothel (voiced by Anjelica Huston) and she acted as a servant for her. She uses a magic paintbrush to get out of captivity, but Gothel locks her away in a tower.
  • In Shrek the Third (2007), Rapunzel (voiced by Maya Rudolph) was friends with Princess Fiona. She is shown to be the true love of the evil Prince Charming and helps to fool Princess Fiona and her group when they try to escape from Prince Charming’s wrath.
  • Walt Disney Animation Studios‘ Tangled (2010), which is a loose retelling and a computer-animated musical feature film. Princess Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore) is more assertive in character, and was born a princess. Her long blonde hair has magical healing and restoration powers. A woman named Mother Gothel (voiced by Donna Murphy) kidnaps Rapunzel for her magical hair which would help maintain her youth. Rather than a prince, Rapunzel encounters an elusive thief named Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert (voiced by Zachary Levi).[42] Rapunzel also features in Disney’s Tangled short sequel, Tangled Ever After. There is also a series based on the events after the movie and before the short named Tangled The Series/ Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure and a movie which leads to the series called Tangled: Before Ever After.
  • Walt Disney Pictures hired Ashleigh Powell to write the script for a live action Rapunzel movie. It is unknown if the film will be a remake of Tangled, a whole new adaptation, or a combination of both.[43]

Television media

Live action television media

Shirley Temple’s Storybook (1958-1961) featured an media of Rapunzel in an episode which aired on 27 October 1958.[44] Carol Lynley played Rapunzel and Agnes Moorehead played the evil witch.[44]

Sesame Street (1969–present) has a “News Flash” skit with Kermit the Frog where he interviews the Prince trying to charm Rapunzel with the famous line. However, she is having a hard time hearing him and when she finally does understand him, she lets all her hair fall down (completely off her head), leaving the Prince confused as to what to do now.

In the American fairy tale miniseries, The Tenth Kingdom (2000), the main character, Virginia Lewis is cursed by a Gypsy witch. As a result, she grows hair reminiscent of Rapunzel’s and is locked away by the Huntsman in a tower.[45] Her only means of escape is by letting her hair down through the window of the tower so that the Wolf can climb up and rescue her. Not before he asks the iconic phrase, in his own way, “Love of my life, let down your lustrous locks!”. The character, Rapunzel is also mentioned as being one of the great women who changed history, and she was Queen of the sixth Kingdom before eventually succumbing to old age.

Rapunzel appears in the Once Upon a Time episode The Tower (2014), portrayed by Alexandra Metz.[46] In this show, Rapunzel is a young woman who becomes trapped in a large tower for many years after she searched for a plant called “night-root” that would remove her fear of becoming queen following her brother’s death. Because of this, she has extremely long hair. It is revealed that consuming the substance created a doppelgänger fear spirit who represents all of the person’s worst fears. After Prince Charming begins to fear that he will not make a good father to his and Snow White’s baby, Robin Hood tells him where to find the night-root. He then climbs the tower and eventually helps Rapunzel face her fears by facing what truly scares her, which is herself. Presented with her own doppelganger, she is encouraged by Prince Charming and cuts off her hair, killing the figure and allowing her freedom. She explains to Prince Charming that her brother died trying to save her, and she doubts that her parents will forgive her. Again encouraged by Prince Charming, she returns her to their palace where she reunites with her accepting parents.

A second iteration of Rapunzel appears as one of the main antagonists in the seventh season of Once Upon a Time (Season 7, 2018), portrayed by Gabrielle Anwar and Meegan Warner in flashbacks.[47] In this season, Rapunzel is Lady Tremaine, the wicked stepmother to Cinderella. In the past, Rapunzel had two daughters, Anastasia and Drizella, and made a deal with Mother Gothel to be locked in a tower in exchange for the safety of her family. Six years later, Rapunzel frees herself and when she returns to her family, she discovers she has gained a stepdaughter named Ella. At some point, Anastasia dies and Rapunzel blames her husband for the incident while Ella blames herself. Gothel plans to put Anastasia in the tower, but Rapunzel managed to turn the tables and lock Gothel in instead. Rapunzel plots to revive Anastasia by using the heart of Drizella, whom she favors least of the two daughters. Drizella discovers this and decides to get revenge on her mother by casting the “Dark Curse”. She allies with Mother Gothel and sends the New Enchanted Forest residents to Hyperion Heights in Seattle. Rapunzel awakens from the curse, but lives as Victoria Belfrey and is given new memories making her believe she cast the curse to save Anastasia, while Drizella lives as Ivy Belfrey, her assistant and daughter. Cinderella and her daughter are also brought over by the curse. Rapunzel/Victoria manages to lock Gothel away in Belfrey Towers.

Animated television media

Animated series presented by Pat Morita Britannica’s Tales Around the World (1990–91), features three variations of the story.

The American television animated anthology series, Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995-2000), the classic story is retold with a full African-American cast and set in New Orleans.[48] The episode starred Tisha Campbell-Martin as Rapunzel, Whoopi Goldberg as Zenobia the Hoodoo Diva, Meshach Taylor as the Woodcutter, Hazelle Goodman as the Woodcutter’s Wife, Donald Fullilove as Friend #1, and Tico Wells as Friend #2.[48]

Episode Rapunzel from Wolves, Witches and Giants (1995–99), season 1 episode 8.

German animated series Simsala Grimm (1999-2010), season 1 episode 8.

The music video of Mary (2004) by the Scissor Sisters features a spoof of the fairy tale animated by Don Bluth.

In the Mattel cartoon Ever After High (2013–2017), features Rapunzel’s has two daughters: Holly O’Hair and Poppy O’Hair.[49]

Tangled: The Series (2017–2020) is a 2D animated TV show based on Disney Animation’s computer animated musical feature film Tangled. Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi reprise their roles of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert.[50] A new main character named Cassandra appears, who is Rapunzel’s feisty lady-in-waiting, and later revealed to be Mother Gothel’s biological daughter. The series has a feature-length movie titled Tangled: Before Ever After released in 2017.[51]

In one episode of Happy Tree Friends (1999–2016) entitled Dunce Upon a Time, Petunia has very long hair that Giggles uses to slide down on as a brief Rapunzel reference.

The Japanese anime series Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1987–1989) features the tale in its second season.[52] It gives more spotlight to Rapunzel’s parents, who are the local blacksmith and his wife, and it makes the witch more openly villainous.


  1. ^ Zipes, Jack (1991). Spells of Enchantment: The Wondrous Fairy Tales of Western Culture. Viking. pp. 794ISBN 0670830534.
  2. Jump up to:a b c d Warner, Marina (2010). “After Rapunzel”. Marvels & Tales24 (2): 329–335. JSTOR 41388959.
  3. ^ Ashliman, D. L. (2019). “Rapunzel”University of Pittsburgh.
  4. ^ Rinkes, Kathleen J. (17 April 2001). “Translating Rapunzel; A very Long Process”Department of German: University of California BerkeleyArchived from the original on 22 January 2012. Retrieved 30 March 2020.
  5. ^ Cf. the Grimms’ annotations to Rapunzel (Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1856), Vol. III, p. 22.)
  6. ^ Kleine Romane, p. 277.
  7. Jump up to:a b Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1857) Vol. I., p. 66.
  8. ^ Kleine Romane, p. 275.
  9. ^ Kleine Romane, p. 278.
  10. ^ Bernhard Lauer (Hrsg.): Rapunzel. Traditionen eines europäischen Märchenstoffes in Dichtung und Kunst (= Ausstellungen im Brüder Grimm-Museum, Große Reihe. Band II). Kassel 1993, ISBN 3-929633-10-8, S. 7–33.
  11. ^ This detail is also found in Schulz, Kleine Romane, p. 281.
  12. ^ Ernst Ludwig Rochholz’s Deutsche Arbeits-Entwürfe, Vol. II, p. 150.
  13. ^ Maria Tatar (1987) The Hard Facts of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales, Princeton University Press, p. 18, ISBN 0-691-06722-8
  14. ^ Kleine Romane, pp. 287-288.
  15. ^ Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (1884) Household Tales (English translation by Margaretmm Hunt), “Rapunzel
  16. ^ Storl, Wolf D. (2016). A Curious History of Vegetables: Aphrodisiacal and Healing Properties, Folk Tales, Garden Tips, and Recipes. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books. p. 360. ISBN 9781623170394.
  17. ^ Beresnevičius, Gintaras (2004). Lietuvių religija ir mitologija: sisteminė studija. Vilnius: Tyto alba. p. 19. ISBN 9986163897.
  18. ^ Beresnevičius, Gintaras (2004). Lietuvių religija ir mitologija: sisteminė studija (in Lithuanian). Vilnius: Tyto alba. p. 19. ISBN 9986-16-389-7.
  19. Jump up to:a b Young, Jonathan (30 November 1997). “A Day to Honor Saint Barbara”The Center for Story and Symbol. Retrieved 6 April 2013.
  20. Jump up to:a b c d e f g h i Forsyth, Kate (2016). The Rebirth of Rapunzel: A Mythic Biography of the Maiden in the Tower. FableCroft Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9925534-9-4.
  21. Jump up to:a b c d e f Getty, Laura J (1997). “Maidens and their guardians: Reinterpreting the Rapunzel tale”. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature30 (2): 37–52. JSTOR 44029886.
  22. Jump up to:a b c d Tatar, Maria (1987). The Hard Facts of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. 18, 19, 45. ISBN 0-691-06722-8.
  23. ^ Loo, Oliver (2015). Rapunzel 1790 A New Translation of the Tale by Friedrich Schulz. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. pp. 1–66. ISBN 978-1507639566.
  24. ^ Megas, Geōrgios A. Folktales of Greece. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1970. p. 223.
  25. ^ Zipes, Jack. Beautiful Angiola: The Lost Sicilian Folk and Fairy Tales of Laura Gonzenbach. Routledge, 2004. p. 343. ISBN 9781135511685.
  26. ^ Deker, Ton. “Raponsje (rapunzel)”. In: Van Aladdin tot Zwaan kleef aan. Lexicon van sprookjes: ontstaan, ontwikkeling, variaties. 1ste druk. Ton Dekker & Jurjen van der Kooi & Theo Meder. Kritak: Sun. 1997. p. 293.
  27. ^ Thompson, Stith (1977). The Folktale. University of California Press. p. 102. ISBN 0-520-03537-2.
  28. ^ Marzolph, Ulrich; van Leewen, Richard. The Arabian Nights Encyclopedia. Vol. I. California: ABC-Clio. 2004. p. 12. ISBN 1-85109-640-X (e-book)
  29. Jump up to:a b Vellenga, Carolyn (1992). “Rapunzel’s desire. A reading of Mlle de la Force”. Merveilles & Contes6 (1): 59–73. JSTOR 41390334.
  30. ^ Tatar, Maria (2004). The Annotated Brothers Grimm. WW Norton. p. 58. ISBN 0393088863.
  31. ^ Zipes, Jack (2000). The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers. W.W. Norton & Company. p. 474. ISBN 039397636X.
  32. ^ Heiner, Heidi Anne (2014). “Annotated Rapunzel”SurLaLune Fairy Tales. Archived from the original on 1 December 2010. Retrieved 30 March 2020.
  33. ^ Lang, Andrew (1890). The Red Fairy Book. London, England: Longmans, Green, and Co. pp. 282–285. ISBN 978-9389232394.
  34. ^ Sexton, Anne (2001). Transformations. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 978-0395127216.
  35. ^ Napoli, Donna Jo (1996). Zel. Puffin Books. ISBN 9780141301167.
  36. ^ Gill, Nikita (2018). Fierce Fairytales: & Other Stories to Stir Your Soul. Boston, MA: Hachette. ISBN 9780316420730.
  37. ^ Hood, Simon (2019). “The Story Of Rapunzel”Sooper Books.
  38. ^ McMyne, Mary (2022). The Book of Gothel. Hachette. ISBN 978-0316393119.
  39. ^ “Timeless Tales from Hallmark Rapunzel (TV Episode 1990)”IMDb. 13 March 1990.
  40. ^ weymo (15 March 1991). “”American Playhouse” Into the Woods (TV Episode 1991)”IMDb.
  41. ^ isaacglover_05 (25 December 2014). “Into the Woods (2014)”IMDb.
  42. ^ Tangled (2010).
  43. ^ Coffey, Kelly (14 February 2020). “This Just In: Disney Is Reportedly Making A Live-Action Rapunzel Movie”Inside the Magic. Retrieved 4 March 2020.
  44. Jump up to:a b “Shirley Temple’s Storybook (1958–1961) Rapunzel”IMDb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  45. ^ “The 10th Kingdom”IDMb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  46. ^ “Once Upon a Time The Tower”IMDb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  47. ^ “Once Upon a Time Season 7”IMDb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  48. Jump up to:a b “Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child Rapunzel”IDMb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  49. ^ “Ever After High (2013–2017) Full Cast & Crew”IMDb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  50. ^ “Tangled: The Series”IMDb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  51. ^ “Tangled: Before Ever After”IMDb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  52. ^ “Grimm Masterpiece Theatre Rapuntseru”IMDb. Retrieved 1 April 2020.

External links

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