Evaluation – Project 5

Stimulus Expression, Insta – Glam and Musical Theatre

Before – the day we were given the brief, we were told to create the 3 looks 1- stimulus Expression, Ista-Glam and Musical Theatre in one week! this felt really frustrating to create 3 mood boards, 3 face charts and presentation in one week.

I found it difficult to decide where/how to start the look, what can I add with health to create the look, I was clueless could not get my head around to think what to create. Then spoke to tutor Lucia, who showed me some ideas from the magazine and explained I could put two looks together -and that what is coming in my mind when thinking of health?

I thought of Health and Drugs Addiction, and I searched up on google to get the ideas of how and what I could create as a mood board and bring the look together. the affects of drugs on the skin and health inspired me to create this look as half youthful dewy skin and half dull and damaged, dehydration and unhealth look. but as we were told that We need to create a proposal and pitch and present it not only in the class but will be filmed – one I have never done the pitch presentation before so had no idea how it should be presented, this really made me feel really anxious and for some time I just felt that I may as well leave the course (as I suffer from anxiety) I didn’t think I can handle the presentation part. Then I spoke to Lucia and explained her my condition and that I can not present in front of the class. She was very supportive and agreed that I can make a quick recording of at how and email her. but then I was only shown the mood boards of what sort of stuff I can put on the mood boar, but my problem was how to present ideas, which was not available for me to visually see to get the idea for the presentation.

so I created the three mood boards

During – When I started researching on google and youtube for the ideas on the subject I managed to find the ideas via the pictures and some information what could go on the board, I also looked at Instagram and youtube for the ideas, I managed to create the face charts and mood boards, but when it came to record the presentation, I had no idea what to talk about, I was told I could say what ever you want explaining why I have chosen the look and how I will present it, due to my anxiety it took me hours to record and every time I was recording my mind kept numbing even though I had it written down, I just could not record my voice. well I just thought I have to get this over and done with so I went through all my mood boards and no idea what I said just said what my mood boards are showing and that’s it.

when I saw other peers presentations, I thought I was not sure what and how I was suppose to do the presentation, so I am going to leave it as I have, but it gave me ideas to change it on digital space to make it sense of my presentation. I felt very anxious as I found this task overwarming.

I feel I didn’t get much time to practice the looks, the dates were too close, and due to my Eid celebration I had to take few days off so there was no time left for to practice the first 2 looks, so I just went ahead and created the look just by looking at the mood-board, but I feel the I really needed practice on these looks especially I struggle creating the wing eyeline, cut crease eyeshadow and eyebrow shaping where the client would have no brow hair as a base and it needs creating it from the scratch.

After 1st Look – I am happy how my Insta-glam look has turn out, though I wanted to do wing eyeline and and cut crease on my bridal look, but creating C shape in the crease and applying pink in center of the eyelid with golden glitter looked good, but as I applied glitter glue on top of pink shadow for the glitter, it moved the colour and made it look bit blotchy and unblended. I feel the matt lipstick and large eyelashes really enhanced the look.

second lookStimulation Health and Drugs effects on person

I am happy with the outcome of Health/drug abuse look. I wanted to keep it very natural glow on the healthy side of the face, but I added little colour to the eyeshadow and the top eyeliner and eyelash to enhance the eye and make it pop. On the other side I wanted to create few scars, but the discoloration and the bruise that I created using dull base and added blue and yellow for the healing bruise looked very natural so I kept this application, for the eye, my plan was not to use the eye lash, but I thought to balance the look the eyelashes would look good, but smudged the lash adhesive made it look dull. So over all the look turned out good. had good feed back from Tutor about the bruise looking natural. but next time I would avoid the eyelash on discoloration side and do make up no makeup on healthy side.

Musical Theatre – Third look


I got to practice the look on my models once before the assessment day, I feel this really helped me how to amend the make up or the hair accordingly, there for I am happy with the final results.

I started the makeup by prepping the skin, cleanse, tone, moisturised, primed and colour corrected, I used green mostly to colour correct as both of my models had redness on their skin and not dark patches, then applied base (foundation) with the foundation brush and set wit beauty blender for smoothness. applied concealer under the eyes and the set with setting face powder. I shaped the eye brows with brow filler and applied eye canceler on the eyelid, set with setting powder and applied eye shadow – light pinkish beige for the base and pink inner corner and purple to the outer corner of the eyes and blend any harsh lines, I topped it up with shiny shades of blue and pink , applied gold shimmer with my finger tip to the pink shade, used black gel eyeliner for the top liner and pencil to the bottom lid followed with same shades pink/purple to the bottom lid too. applied larger eye lashes as I wanted the modern glam look, contoured the face (forehead, cheeks, nose, and under chin) applied peachish pink blush, the out lined lips with brown shade using lip line brush, and filled the lips with dark pink/light pink lipstick and finished with lip gloss for the shine. applied high lighter to the nose and cheeks, brow line, inner corner of the eyes, on to lip, chin and forehead.

for hair I sanctioned top head hair in to 3 sections, Dutch braded the middle section and French to the sides to the mod head and tied all hair in to a high pony and attached the extension pony to the hair and half leaning on the right shoulder.


for the snow white the method was same as I did for the Rapunzel, apart from the eye shadow colour – yellow and blue, and lip colour Red (creating a heart shape) on snow white. I created soft curls (1920s style) using hair straightener, and locked with hair spray, finished with the Red Bow hair catcher.

Struggle and problem solved

With my first model, the lashes glue got stuck to the bottom lashes, which became very irritated for my model, I tried removing it with the dry ear bud but it would not move, so I used the adhesive remover on ear bud and swiped it out wards, this removed the glue, so I did not go over the eye liner just so the skin can rest for a bit, there fore I did the hair and then re touched the eyeliner.

I really struggled to apply eye liner on my second model, as she was very sensitive, she kept moving back even when I was applying the eyeliner to the top lid, so I had to guide her to keep looking at the roof or to my shoulder or into the mirror to distract her from blinking and moving back, as this was smudging the liner on the base under her eyes, eventually I managed to create light eye liner using the pencil, but I did explained her that the eyes will not pop out with out the liner.

What I will do next time

next time I will pay more attention on blending eyeshadow, cut-crease and practice to gain skills of creating wing eyeliner and eyebrow drawing. I will also create different style eyeshadow applications. I will also pay more attention on depth of eye crease and make outer corner of the eye darker to give larger /enhanced look.